*Not My Type?*

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*Not My Type Part 2*

Irisis pulled away from Taehyung stumbling forward, her unsteady body falling backwards on the sofa. She suddenly began laughing hysterically.

Taehyung stood watching while she laughed her ass off with a baffled look on his face.

After a few minutes she finally settled down a tad raising her head slowly still snickering as she peered up at the guy standing over her that now had an irritated look on his perfect mug.

"What is so damn funny!?" He snapped with agitation.

Irisis couldn't hold back and once again fell over howling out in laughter.

He looked even more furious than before. His arms folded stiffly over his broad chest. His face red, teeth clenched, jaw flexing. Even though he looked ready to beat the shit outta somebody, she found it to be particularly hilarious.

"Your crazy woman! The weed wasn't that damn good." He replied huffing.

"It....its not the weed.....its you!." She sat up on the edge of the sofa snickering. "Taehyung....I....I am not the least bit interested in you. You're definitely not my type. I mean sure, your a really looksom fella. However I prefer grown men. And you...you are far from being that my dear boy." She tittered shamelessly while wiping the tears from underneath her eyes.

"What the fuck do you mean?! I'm not a man....Im sure I could change your opinion of me if given the chance, "DEAR LADY." He responded cockily, emphasizing the last two words. A big smirk on his lips looking down toward his crotch area, with his hands on his hips as though he were striking a pose.

"Ohh. Is....is that so? Why? You think yourself a man because you possess a large "ding-a-ling." Do you really believe that's all you need to prove yourself a mature grown man? Pa..llleeease, grow up! You're even more childish than I first thought. What are you, like maybe 19...20 at most?" She scoffed. You're still a damn baby.

"Im almost 26 smartass!. And I bet you'd be squealing like a little teenage high-school girl before this "damn baby" was through with you! Actually I guarantee it. I bet that old fart of a husband couldn't come close to doing the things I could. You'd be begging & pleading for me to stop because you couldn't handle what I have to offer. And you're scared to find out aren't you? Since you prefer old fuckers, with shriveled up dicks, and prune balls that swing down to their knees." He tskd, staring down at her with a self assured smirk.

"You do not know me! Nor what my life is like asshole! So don't you dare come at me in my own home like you do! I'll allow you this one little rant you just sprung on me, simply because your still a kid with the maturity level of an ink pen! But next time.....you pompous turd, I won't be so goddamn nice. So watch your foul mouth with me! You should be extremely relieved that I'm not a violent individual....or else you'd be laid out flat right now with a huge pump knot on your head." She growled pointing at him with a sour look on her reddened face, then turned swiftly to walk away.

Pure rage filled her at the actual nerve of this son of a bitch.

"Heyyy....Where are you going!?" Azalea called out walking into the living room with Jungkook following close behind. Both had their arms loaded down with various snacks.

Irisis gave Taehyung a dirty look shaking her head & rolling her eyes.

"Nowhere...I was just wondering where the two of you had wondered off to. But I see you went on snack run." Irisis smiled weakly, as they dumped the snacks onto the coffee table digging in like two starving animals.

Irisis walked over to Taehyung while Azalea & jkook were wrapped up in shoving their faces full of junk. He stood with his back to her in front of a large window like a stone figure. She tapped him on the shoulder. He whirled around quickly.

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