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*Shock Part 6*

~Taehyung ~

I literally sprinted outta the grocery store. My heart was pumping into my chest wall with such a mighty force I thought it would stop altogether. I slid inside the car quickly laying my forehead on the steering wheel as I tried to catch my fast unsteady breaths.

I was in what I guessed to be a full blown panic attack. I'd suffered with a little anxiety before but nothing to this magnitude. It was scaring the hell outta me. I held tight to the steering wheel, my knuckles turning white as I tried to take in slow even gasps of air.

After about 10 minutes my heart began to pump a bit more normally and I could breathe again. Irisis was pregnant for fuck's sake. I wondered if I should just start the car and go. It was apparent she didn't want anyone to know.....especially me. I couldn't believe she was here in this damn store at this particular time...it had to be fate. I usually never came to this market but I just figured since I'd drove so far from the usual place, I'd go here.

This was a sign....it had to be....I needed to confront her. That baby had to be mine. I had came inside her deep & hard that last time we were together. There was no doubt....the baby inside her was mine.

Why was she keeping this from me? I deserved to fucking know I was gonna be a father! I was becoming more & more agitated by the second just thinking about it.

I sat watching the door for the next 30 minutes and finally here she came with her buggy full of bags. My heart squeezed frantically at the sight of how absolutely flawless she looked. Her wavy hair was  to her waist as it blew with the slight breeze, showing off her lovely glowing face... She was a vision of such unbelievable beauty. I wanted to run to her. Touch & kiss her little rounded belly that I just knew held my son or daughter.

Ok...it was now or never, I opened the car door getting out and before I could take the first step I watched as a guy around my age ran up behind her gooching her in the sides as she jumped a bit. She giggled, scolding him with a playful slap to his arm as he pouted dramatically, her face doing that cute little krinkle thing I loved so much.

I watched in sadness as he placed the palms of his hands flat on her protruding belly, then laying his head on it as if he were listening to something. He smiled wide, his mouth forming an O, as a shocked expression appeared on his face. Both of them laughing so loudly I could hear them from clear across the parking lot.

"That sonofabitch." I spoke in a low deadly tone. My fist balled up tight watching them. I felt like jumping out and running over there. I wanted to punch that little short fuck right in his goddamn mouth with everything I had!

My world fell into slow motion as I stood there looking like I was ready to end someone's life. My eyes locked on the only woman I'd ever felt real love for. My heart dropped into the pit of my gut. A nauseous feeling washed over me as if I would hurl everything I'd eaten today at any moment.

I decided not to confront them...I just couldn't cause a scene right now, not with her carrying my child. I'd never forgive myself if I went over there and caused her to become stressed and maybe go into labor.

I would however follow these two and find out exactly where it was that she was staying. I felt like a creepy stalker, but I was gonna do what I needed to. Since it was clear she wasn't gonna tell me shit. Even though she had some guy with her I knew the child did not belong to him. I just knew in my heart that the child belonged to me.

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