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Irisis sat back comfortably on the large cushy sofa watching the k-dramas she was so addicted to. But today all that was on her mind was the ache of loneliness she felt for a husband that was absent more often than not.

Azalea would be arriving later in the evening and he couldn't even be here to welcome the daughter he hadn't seen in over a year. Irisis knew he wouldn't be home long enough to spend any real quality time with his only child. She felt great pity for the 19 year old girl she had only met a handful of times over the past 3 years of marriage to Mr Cameron Garren.

He hadn't always been the cold man he'd turned into over the past year. Ever since his buisness had taken off and began raking in huge profits he had changed into someone she no longer knew. From that point on their marriage suffered considerably.

Cameron was gone so much that Irisis had become accustomed to being alone. He would call her on rare occasions and if she complained about his absence he'd always say the same thing he always did every single time only arranging the words differently each time he spoke them.

'Iris....baby, I'm doing all this for us darling. I'll be able to retire soon and we'll spend every waking moment together my love.... travel to all the places we've only dreamed of. Just bear with me and I promise I'll make it up to you.'

These were his words everytime Irisis would say anything about how lonely she was or how his absence affected her.

He was a very handsome man, dark wavy hair with just a touch of gray at the temples, strikingly brilliant green eyes, and his body was a work of pure art. Well defined muscles and those thick thighs that drove her mad. He didn't look like an almost 50 year old man. He could easily pass for a man in his late thirties.

Irisis longed to feel his touch. His lips pressed firmly to hers. It was all wishful thinking though. Two months had passed and he hadn't touched her, and she most definitely was not the type to beg for attention.

He always fell fast asleep when he was home and she had all but given up trying to seduce him. Too many times she had attempted that very thing and was left completely disappointed & terribly frustrated. Irisis felt as if he didn't find her attractive any longer which completely destroyed any confidence she had left.

She'd had to purchase a device to ease the pain of her desire and achieve the satisfaction she so desperately craved. Even before marriage she had never required the aid of such a thing, yet now she depended on it entirely.

Irisis sighed pushing aside the depressing thoughts. Azalea would be coming soon and she focused on how nice it was gonna be to have someone else here that would actually talk to her. The big house got quite lonely with just her and the few servants they had. She had attempted many times at striking up a conversation with them, that ultimately went nowhere.

They acted as though they were there to do their job and interactions were unnecessary, unless it involved a task that needed doing.

Irisis pulled herself up from the couch, flipping the TV off and strolling into the kitchen for a small snack. Her boredom was gonna make her chunky if she didn't get back to working out regularly.  She certainly didn't need to pack on anymore weight that would cause her more misery. She grumbled to herself rummaging through the refrigerator.

After finishing a light snack she bopped up the stairs to shower and ready herself for Azalea's arrival. She wanted to look her best after not seeing the girl for so long. She had planned for a nice meal to be prepared with all the girls favorites, she was grateful to have at least learned that much about her husband's offspring over the years. Irisis wanted to make Azalea feel welcomed since her father wouldn't be here for her return.

Irisis [Short Story] Newly RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now