Chapter Twenty Eight: Complains

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The morning was not as bright as usual considering the bluehead didn't get the 'annoying' phone call at six in the morning from the ravenette which was a routine for the past few months. Even though he found it annoying in the first few weeks it became a part of his daily life and now he couldn't help but feel but sad

Soon he got ready and left without bothering to call or inform the younger

As for the ravenette he contemplated a lot whether to call the older early in the morning as usual but he chose against it as it would be too awkward. He was about to go and make breakfast for the older as he heard the front door slamming shut

He rushed out only to find out that the bluehead left to work and felt like screaming in frustration. He fell backwards to the couch palms covering his face as he sighed

"I messed up real bad" he groaned pulling his own hair

After that he got ready and left for the studio. Mr. Lim was back after dropping Tae and he could sense something was wrong between the two boys by seeing how both of them had a sad expression and the younger was dragging himself unlike his usual energetic self

"Did something happen jungkook" Mr Lim asked seeing the younger

"N-no everything is fine. Did blueberry say something"

"No he didn't. In fact he was silent throughout the ride to the hospital" Mr. Lim said

The ravenette remained silent as he looked away through the window feeling guilty and sad

As he reached the company everyone greeted him but the male just gave a small nod in return

"Kook, why do you look like so down" Namjoon asked the younger

"it's nothing hyung" he replied sighing

They all wanted to ask more but knew the younger didn't want to talk so they kept quite

It was odd seeing the ravenette sad because in the past few months this was a first

Throughout the practice and recording the young idol didn't laugh or smile as usual and the others wondered what must've happened

"Kook, what's wrong and don't give us the 'it's nothing hyung' answer. You were sulking and pouting the whole day. Now Tell us" as the younger was getting ready to leave after work he was stopped by yoongi and hoseok

"Hyung... I... I kind of messed everything up with tae and we are not talking anymore" he sighed and sat down on the couch

"but don't you guys do that on a daily basis" Hoseok asked amused

"Hyung! That's not how it is. We bicker a lot and annoy each other a lot but this is an actual fight. And... And I made him cry. He told me that we should go back to being strangers. And I don't want that to happen I won't let that happen" he said the last part more to like himself and the older ones could see how the ravenette was devastated

"Kook,tell us what exactly happened" Yoongi asked again and with a whine Jungkook explained everything and at last adding some curses at himself

"Oh, I get it. You got jealous and then angry and told things you didn't mean then you guys stopped talking to each other and so now you are on the verge of crying. Great. And these are two grown adults we are talking about" Hoseok remarked

"Hobi hyung, this is not funny. Blueberry is not talking to me and I don't like this. I don't like how he cried because of me" Jungkook admitted making the two others smile

"Yes kook, we can see that but you sitting here all sad won't change what happened. The only thing you can do is apologize. Maybe give him ice cream or chocolate or something he love" Hoseok suggested

"Jiminie hyung is like that isn't he" the younger said smiling a bit and the others blushed

"Well... That won't be a complete lie. He forgives us when we apologize sincerely but still stays salty until he gets those things I mentioned" while saying this Yoongi had a smile on his face just like hoseok thinking about their angry little mochi

"And also Jiminie and Tae are best friends so they might have similar interests. Why don't you try this. I am not sure it will work but still its worth a try"

"that's very assuring but still I would try for my blueberry. And speaking of Jiminie hyung where us he. I saw him rushing out once the practice was over. Don't you guys go home together" the younger enquired

Hoseok and and yoongi looked at Jungkook before smiling a bit


"I hate Jungkook!" was the first thing Jimin heard when he entered his best friend's apartment

"Tae..?" he called looking around and then saw the bluehead sitting on the couch with a visible scowl on his face

"Jiminie!" the male rushed towards his best friend as he saw him

Jimin hugged the other male who held him tightly and walked both of them to the couch the male was previously sitting on

"Tae, what happened. Why did you message me saying you had an emergency. Is everything okay" Jimin asked but the other just shook his head in denial

"Nothing is okay. Jerkook and I fought. We told each other mean things and now we are not talking" sadness was evident in his words

"but don't you guys fight everyday" The blonde haired had a confused face

"Jiminie! That's not how it is. We fought for real yesterday. Like... I heard him cry sitting outside my room while I was crying inside"

"What! What happened really. Tell me everything" and just like that the bluehead explained everything

"That's....not good. But then again that's not bad too. He got jealous and you got stuck with that doctor. Tae, I think that was meant to happen. This is your first fight after getting married"

"But... But Jiminie, I don't like this. I don't like not talking to him" Taehyung mumbled

"Then talk to him" the blonde suggested

"But I don't want to talk to him too" came the reply

"I get what you're feeling tae. And hobi and yoonie are no different. They get very jealous and possessive. And trust me sometimes I fight with them over simple things" Jimin said

"You do?"

"Yes tae, everyone does fight in their love life or relationship"

"Then how do you forgive them after that" the bluehead asked not paying attention to the 'love life or relationship' part

"Well, first I wait them to apologize and then I'll forgive after they buy me something I love" Jimin giggled after saying

"Really? But Jerkook is not like them he must be sitting somewhere sulking and blaming himself for everything that happened from the day he was born to this morning" The bluehead said smiling a bit

"Trust me, he was down all day throughout the practice. We all asked him what was wrong but he didn't say anything. Our poor maknae" with this said both the best friends laughed a little

"So... What should I do now" after some time taehyung asked

"Hmm.. I'll tell you but now answer this. Do you hate him because of what happened yesterday. Not in a funny way but seriously. Do you hate him" Jimin asked

"No. I don't. I can't hate him for such a simple thing Jiminie. He is a little little stupid coconut but he is one of the most important people in my life" Jimin smiled at the fact that his best friend didn't even wait a second to think before answering that

"And do you want to go back to being strangers"

"No. I don't" camd the immediate reply

"Well, now you have your answer so don't make it a very big fight that will hurt you both. Forgive him but not before he apologizes" he replied

And before they could talk further the front door opened and there stood Jungkook with a nervous face along with yoongi and hoseok

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