The Luna

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Chapter Two

Three. That was the number of times I almost went back home on the way to the Luna. 

It was nothing short of a miracle that I was able to slip out of the house unnoticed after breakfast. A miracle that I knew wouldn't extend to the rest of the night. Someone was bound to discover that I was not in my room and there will be hell to pay after tonight. So I might as well go through with this ridiculous quest to prove Rita wrong. 

Eventually, I finally arrived at the heart of Hollywood where swarms of people mingled outside in hopes that they would be allowed in the most exclusive clubs. 

As the car stopped, I couldn't help but scoff at the bright neon sign mounted on top of the building. Unlike most clubs that simply advertised their name, the Luna proudly displayed the figure of a wolf howling at the moon. Pathetic. Why couldn't mutts ever have some semblance of creativity? 

Los Angeles had always been under the jurisdiction of the Clan, but that didn't stop a few flea-infested dogs from settling into our hills. We tolerated them as long as they kept out of sight, but did our best to discourage others from moving here. 

If this club became too popular with their kind, it would have to go. Even more of a reason to come explore. I can report any new information to the Clan at the next meeting, I thought. 

"What time do you want me to come back to pick you up, Miss Nora?"

Pete's question snapped me out of my trail of thoughts. Good question. How long does someone usually spend at a place like this? 

I was silent for a few seconds before responding,  "I'll call you when I'm ready. And Pete," I gave him a pleading smile as I leaned down to close the door, "I'd prefer it if you wouldn't mention this to anyone."

As Pete drove off, I suddenly realized that I had no idea how to actually get into the club. Not wanting to be obviously lost, I decided to watch the entrance from a few buildings away, for practice. 

After a few moments, I noticed that there were two very distinct groups trying to get in. The first was a long line of humans waiting outside the club. Some would let out an impatient groan every time a newcomer was let in without standing in line. Others were already too intoxicated to do anything else but lean against the wall, murmuring nonsense to those around them.

The second group was made up of particular individuals who strode through the doors without hesitation. At first glance, there seemed to be no correlation between those who passed through, but then I started to notice their scents. These newcomers were threatening. Inhuman. Supernaturals.


If the bouncers were letting supernaturals in based on their scent, it meant that I had to focus to exert my vampiric scent to be let in. Hybrids normally had a common human scent as a survival mechanism. This is how children are able to live undetected in human communities for so long. It's not until the Change that our scent transitions to one of a fully-fledged vampire. 

What better trap was there than to let others believe you were harmless.

Satisfied with my change of scent, I mimicked the confidence I observed from others and strode directly past the bouncer. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I was actually going to experience a normal night out. Why hadn't I let Tabby convince me to join her before? 

Inside, the Luna was packed with all kinds of supernaturals from vampires to faeries to witches to mutts. The loud pounding music was paired with flashing lights and fog machines enthralling the dancers below. 

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