𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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Polls: Brothers conflict/BroCon (Burazazu Konfurikuto) or  Kiss him, not me! (Watashi ga Motete Dousanda)?

T H I R D   P E R S O N   P O V

--Back with Alessia--

After she ran to her room, Alessia did her necessary night routine and fixed her bandages. She opened her laptop and started with work. It seemed to never end but that's what happens when your a CEO.

A L E S S I A ' S   P O V

I was about to go to sleep when Alessandro skyped me. I quickly searched for contacts in my bag and found my usual brown ones, I don't have time to dye my hair, so I just grab a hoodie and answer the call. We had been friends for a long time but knew nothing about each other and I liked that. He was my escape from reality and I was his. 

"Hello!" Alessie shouted.

"Hey Alessie," I whispered lowly trying not to wake any of my brothers up.

"Urggh! I said don't call me that. You know I hate that nickname. Call me something like Alex, that sounds cool,"

I giggled. "But I like Alessie more, it makes you seem like a big teddy bear and that's who you are." 

"Allie! I swea-" I quickly lowered the volume on my laptop. He was screaming and I'm afraid it would wake the others.

I kept a finger on my lips signaling him to shut up as I listen careful for any voices. Thank God they weren't any or this would mean trouble. 

T H I R D  P E R S O N  P O V

As Alessia was listening for noises Alessandro took the time to take in her surroundings, this wasn't her room. The room was unfamiliar.

"Where are you?" Asked Alessandro, "that isn't your room, and you don't even like red."


"Did you redecorate or something? But why red? You hate it."

"Um....I thought I should try something new, branch out a little."

Alessandro could easily tell she was lying but he didn't know what for, yes they knew little to nothing about each other but yet that didn't affect their friendship. They would tell each other things but not anything personal, using names of colors instead of the real person's name and many more codes but she never once mentioned anything to deep, though being friends for a long time she was cautious of the things she said because as the police says "whatever you say can be used against you."

But yet he still accepted her answer without question because it's her choice to tell him, not his.

"So back to why I called you so late, well it's late for me but whatever. I'm going back home next week!"

"Really?!" She stayed stunned, like Alessia, Alessandro was also sent away by his family and he loathes them for that but he will always choose being sent away than staying back because he would have never met 'Alessandra.'

"Yep! Though I wouldn't mind being as far away from my family as possible." 

Quietly in her head Alessia agreed with him because she too didn't want to stay with her brothers and her father's supposed new 'family' but who is she to oppose the law. (A/N The list goes on and on man. Why am I talking to myself? Must be 1AM hysterics, yes it's 1AM. It's Haille btw, I took over. Keyshia fell asleep.)

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