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yena slammed her pillow into her face and screamed.

"yeah, run away, you good for nothing duck!"

"you don't even have a power! you're fucking useless!"

the taunts of the older girls from school rang through her ears, making her scream even louder into her pillow. they liked to bully her for not having a special ability like her other classmates. the thing that they didn't understand is that she did have a power, she just hid it from everyone. yena wasn't quite sure why she hid it. all she could remember was when she was younger her mother took her to the doctor and when she came back her mother had told her to never tell anyone that she had an ability.

"no wonder you're all alone; you're just a useless piece of trash!"

yena stopped screaming and layer back on her mattress, sighing deeply. she held out her palm and stared at it, a small flame arising from her tan skin and lighting up the dark room.

"i don't want to be here anymore.."

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