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everything was bright. neon signs were everywhere, streets were crowded with people in crop-tops and shorts, everyone was yelling. yena didn't remember how she got here, or how long she'd been here. she'd just... appeared within the bright town as if she'd always been there.

in the middle of the all the buildings with big signs there was a giant bonfire, but it wasn't a normal bonfire. it was surrounded by short cement walls and the fire wasn't red-ish orange like a normal fire. this fire was purple. yena was confused, very confused. she thought she had known all there was to know about fire, seeing as she had the power to control it with just a thought.

yena walked towards the fire and put her hand against the roaring purple flames. as she expected, it didn't burn her. she played with the flames that licked at her hand. she cupped her hands around part of the fire and pulled it away, a small ball of the purple flames sitting in her palms like it was just a normal tennis ball. she tossed it around playfully, pulling it apart into three separate balls and juggling them with a big smile on her face. something about the fire, about the town she was in, made her smile. she felt at home here.

"watcha doin' with that fire there, blue?"

yena turned around quickly, throwing the small balls of fire into the bonfire they came from. she looked to see who had spoken and saw a girl, a very pretty girl, standing in front of her.


"just.... observing." yena said not-so-smoothly. she cleared her throat and looked the girl in the eyes. "why'd you call me blue?"

the girl shrugged and pointed at yena's hair. yena was confused at first but then realized that her ponytail was blue. she nodded and laughed a little bit. the girl laughed too but then her face went serious again.

"is that your ability? fire?" the girl asked. 

yena froze. she didn't know whether or not to tell the girl, seeing as she's hidden her power for most of her life. she decided she would, since she's already been seen using her power. but there was another reason too. something about the girl made yena feel vulnerable. she made her feel weak. 

"yeah... it is." she said. "what's yours? if you have one, that is."

"i do have one.." she trailed off, not fully answering the question.

"so what is it?" 

the girl looked at yena, ignoring her question. she was studying her face when yena asked her another question.

"well, if you won't tell me that, will you at least tell me your name?"

the girl nodded and held out her hand for yena to shake. "i'm yuri."

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