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I think the gaang in modern times would all have their favorite bands, and I had some fun matching a band to each of them. (These are some of my personal favorites, so do not hate on me.)

Aang: AJR

AJR has some really catchy, easy to dance to, upbeat songs, and that's totally Aang. (However, they always have to ask for the clean versions of some of the songs that have a swear in it, because Aang's an innocent cinnamon roll and he needs to stay that way.)

Katara: Adele

Passionate songs with high notes seem like her thing. Also the whole "Hello" turning into a meme is "He killed my mother" all over again.

Toph: Green Day

I think that she could get some of her anger out singing with this band. There's a couple of fics that have said Toph has an amazing voice, and I think that's really sweet, but she would also 100% use that amazing voice to SCREAM these songs. I also like the idea of Katara getting upset at her for singing the unclean version of "American Idiot" while Aang was in the room. (For those of you who don't know, "fuck" is one of the frequent words)

Sokka: Tom Petty

Why? IDK, I just like the idea of him "singing" along and Katara yelling at him to shut up because he sounds like a dying otter penguin and she's trying to sleep.

Zuko: Imagine Dragons


Suki: Fall Out Boy

I think she would listen to them because their songs energize her. Suki doing Kyoshi Worrior workouts while listening to Young Volcanoes or Alone Together 

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