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I love ATLA and LOK memes. I go searching all the time, and a lot of times I get great ones, like the one proclaiming Zuko to be the "Fire Elsa" everyone's looking for (I also found a fanart of Zuko singing Let It Go). But lately I've been finding a couple that've been bugging me. So I ask you this, Wattpadians:

Why do you all hate Korra so much?

I loved Korra from the first moment I saw her. She's badass. She's violent. She's stubborn. She's sassy. She's tough. But she's also caring and always willing to lend a hand. I'm going to try to convince you, so hear me out. These are some common opinions about Korra and my reasons why they're not true.

She's rude.

She's impulsive. And strong-willed. And a teenager. Come on people, she's seventeen in the first season for crying out loud! Were Leo and Percy this perfect at seventeen? No. They were idiots. And we loved them for it.

People don't like Korra because all of us can relate to a part of her. I have violent tendencies and a hot temper. Does that make me the worst person on the planet? I don't act on them. I've never physically hurt someone ever in my life. Korra hurt a couple of people, but they were threatening an innocent shop owner. Look my profile pic in the eyes and tell me that you didn't want to punch those triads, or at least get them as far away from those people as possible.

You said you didn't? I know you're lying.

Korra's not rude. She's got a temper. Picture Sokka as the avatar. Would he be firebending a tree or two down when he got mad? He would. Remember Katara's "I'M COMPLETELY CALM"? It's a water tribe trait.

People hate Korra for fighting with other people a lot. But Tenzin can be narrow-minded sometimes, and Mako is just as stubborn as her, and she's going to butt heads with them. Remember Toph getting into fights with every single member of team avatar? (Except Aang because he's a cinnamon roll and Zuko because my poor boi's just so grateful he has friends.) Toph was just as stubborn and hot-headed as Korra, which people don't like to acknowledge for some reason. I love main characters who go against the stereotypical "hero can do no wrong" storyline. Did Superman ever fail in the original comics? Like really fail? I like characters who have a dark side. I love characters who have flaws. Some people don't, and that's okay, but just remember that heroes, avatars, demigods, and wizards are all human when you get right down to it.

She's scared of Amon and Tarlokk.

First of all, she is most certainly NOT afraid of Tarlokk. She provoked him and was pissed when he chose to fight back. "Still think I'm a half-baked Avatar" ring a bell? "So, your little bloodbending secret's out?" She was afraid of Amon, but all she felt towards Tarlokk was intense hatred.

Also, look at this from Korra's perspective. In the Fire and Air Nations, they allow their avatars to develop a personality that doesn't have to do with their duty to the world, and they tell them their true identity when they're sixteen. In the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes, they don't give them that chance. Yun spent nine years of his life training, being told he was the avatar, and when he found out he wasn't it completely broke him. Korra was raised in a compound her entire life. She was told the world came first, and she came second. She was the protector of the universe, and she had to do what was right for everyone, even if it cost her her life. The main thing that proves her as the avatar is her bending.

Imagine seeing a man who could tear your whole world into pieces without breaking stride. It's terrifying. This isn't just about Korra being able to move rocks. It's about Korra losing a huge part of her identity.

Imagine what she felt like when she had firebending ripped away from her. She used it so much it was automatic. She was friends with a firebender. They helped each other with techniques. That was gone.

Imagine what she felt like when she had earthbending torn from her grasp. Most of the world held earthbenders. Her first probending technique was earth. She played with Naga using it. That was gone.

Imagine when she had waterbending, her home element, out of reach. Her father was a waterbender. Her tribe consisted of waterbenders. She took classes from Katara herself. As much as she enjoyed the other elements, water was closest to her heart. Avatar or not, water was her home. She couldn't have that anymore.

She met her friends, bonded with the airbenders, and gained respect because of her avatarhood. Her whole world revolved around it. It was a part of her. A part that was destroyed.

Fear will always exist. Everyone's afraid of something. It's human nature.

Bravery, however, is being scared and still doing what needs to be done. Korra knew there was a good chance she would lose her bending, but she jumped in to help the airbenders and Republic City.

Every Avatar was afraid. Fear helps us keep our sense. Aang was afraid of Fire Lord Ozai. Roku (not rogue, dam you autocorrect) was terrified of killing his friend. Kyoshi? "'I'm scared, alright? I'm scared and I don't know what else will make it go away!'" There's nothing wrong with being afraid. The fear just made Korra even stronger.

She dated every single person on team avatar.

Ya know what? She did. Keep in mind, though, that's only three people. It's unfair to compare her to Aang in that way because Aang had, what? *counting* Zuko, Sokka, Suki, Toph, Katara, Mai...six people on his team avatar in the end. He only dated Katara, though, because he was a little lovesick goofball in seasons two and three.

Let's forget about Aang for a second, though. Let's talk about Katara, Sokka, Kirima, and Kuruk. The major water tribe characters. Katara had a couple of guys falling for her, including Aang. Sokka charmed Toph, Suki, Ty Lee, one of Toph's students in the comics, and Yue, the princess of the norther water tribe and the f***ing moon spirit. Know what Kelsang said about Kuruk? "...being Kuruk. Traveling the world, breaking hearts and taking names." Kirima? "I'm gonna stop you right there. The last time I heard a firebender talk about honor, my ears nearly fell off. Had to kick him out of my bed with both feet." Water tribe characters seem to be very attractive (honestly, they really are) to everyone else. Korra's letting her water tribe heritage shine through, and it's amazing.

Keep in mind that she went on one (1) date with Bolin. She dated Mako for a while, and eventually ended up with Asami. It's not like she was creating a harem or some sh*t. She had to find who was a good fit for her. For Aang and Katara, it was like boom! Click! Soulmate! (Get my reference. Please get my reference.) but everyone else had to work for their happily ever after.

You convinced? Korra is a badass. She had a character arc just as good as Zuko's, she was an incredibly strong avatar, and she carries on Aang, Kyoshi, Yangchen, Salai, and Szeto's legacy well. Stop hating on her for traits that make her human

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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