II - Alliance

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Technoblade ducked into the small tunnel, following Dream into an open obsidian room with a sign that read Final Control Room. He remembered hearing about it in passing once but didn't know what it was actually for.

Chests lined the small walls of the room - one for Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, Fundy, Eret, and Technoblade.

"I left some gear in there for you - it's not much but it's something." Dream said, handing Carl's reins to Technoblade. "Follow the tunnel into the sewers, and they should take you out of L'manburg pretty easily."

"Why are you helping me?" The pig interjected, suspicious of the man opposite to him.

"Would you rather I didn't?" There was an edge in his voice, but it wasn't necessarily hostile.

"No, I'm just curious."

Dream nodded, "Well, you're very powerful, and it's always good to have powerful allies." He paused, playfully bumping the other man with his elbow, "Besides, we're friends, right?"

Technoblade hummed, amused, "I see. Well, don't worry, I am a person who fully believes in reciprocity. I owe you a favor in turn." He looked up at his horse, who still seemed slightly panicked, "Thank you, Dream."

Dream nodded and exited the tunnel, leaving Techno to finish equipping his new gear. It wasn't much, just some food and armor, and a pickaxe.

"What the fuck is this?" Quackity muttered to himself. Technoblade closed out of his inventory, turning to him.

"You didn't really think you could kill me, did you?" His voice was laced with venomous confidence.

"How? How did you survive that?"

"Technoblade never dies."

"We'll see about that!" He raised his sword, ready to attack the pig.

"Quackity, you're in full netherite. I'm in mostly iron with nothing but a diamond pickaxe. You really wanna fight me?'

"When you're at your weakest? Of course!" He threw himself forward, his sword aimed directly for the pig's throat.

Technoblade sidestepped the attack and used his pickaxe to knock the sword out of Quackity's hands, his face stoic as ever.

He kicked Quackity to the ground, one foot resting heavily on his chest. "Face it, Quackity. You can't beat me. Even when you had full netherite and a weapon, and I had iron armor, I still killed you."

"You haven't killed me yet," Quackity growled, "So don't-" he was cut off by a diamond pickaxe going through his skull.

Technoblade noticed a compass on Quackity's corpse, which he quickly grabbed. Techno's Compass was inscribed on the metal outside. He pocketed it, deciding he could use it to get home.

The pig sighed and grabbed his horse, continuing down the tunnel. The sewers were vast and confusing, and Technoblade found himself in at least three people's houses before he left L'manburg.

When he finally exited the sewers, both he and Carl looked relieved. He climbed onto his horse and followed his compass, reaching the arctic hideout in less than an hour and a half.

It all seemed just as he left it. The bees buzzed quietly in their little honey farm, the turtles were alive and well, and there were an unreasonable number of squid in the backyard.

Technoblade realized his horse was no longer safe at his house, so he hid him in a cave somewhere distant, confident that he wouldn't be found.

When he stepped inside, however, something felt off. There was no obvious issue, but he felt that something was different.

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