III - Free

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Dream woke in the early morning to rays of dawn barely coming over the horizon.

He woke up, but he laid still, wrapped in a warm, furry blanket. The campfire still crackled faintly, almost dying out now. He sleepily blinked away his cozy state, yawning as he got up.

He stretched, his back letting out a few satisfying cracks. If he was being honest, he hadn't slept that well in a while.

He took a moment to look around. It didn't seem like anyone else was awake, and the house had a peaceful stillness to it.

When he opened the door, snow piled up the stairs far enough that he couldn't see the bottom.

Realization smacked him in the face when he peeked around the corner of the house. The door downstairs was about halfway blocked, meaning that the snow was... deep.

Out of curiosity, Dream hopped off of the top of the stairs, into the snow.
It was unreasonably fucking deep. The snow nearly came up to his waist

He immediately scrambled out of it back into the house. He sat by the fireplace in an effort to warm himself and possibly dry his clothes.

"Dream? What are you doin'?" Technoblade spoke softly, his voice husky and low from sleep.

Dream stood, turning to the pig. "It snowed. A lot." He was still wet pretty much up to his hips. "I was trying to warm up, and I don't have any extra clothes, so..."

Technoblade didn't have to see his face to know how awkward that statement was for the man.

Technoblade went back upstairs, grabbing some extra clothes. Just a simple sweater and some jeans from his closet (Ghostbur often stayed with him).

He returned, handing Dream the change of clothes. "You can keep these if you'd like, Ghostbur always finds more clothes to leave here."

The masked man nodded, stepping into the bathroom to change out of his wet clothes.

The cream-colored sweater was surprisingly soft and just barely oversized, and the jeans fit him well. He kept off his socks and shoes, placing them by the fire with his other clothes.

When he stepped out of the bathroom, Technoblade looked up from his brewing stand, "Ah, you look nice." As if realizing what he said, he quickly turned back to his potions, "I mean, they-they fit you good."

Dream sat on the couch, not sure what to do. He always kept himself busy with friends, training, pranking, or anything else he could find - he was rarely an idle mind.

Technoblade seemed like a machine between his three brewing stands. His movements were sure and automatic - grabbing new ingredients and placing them in the stand, grabbing finished potions and putting them in chests, then repeating the cycle.

Dream watched him, his mind wandering. Had it snowed in the SMP? Surely not as much as here, but he wondered if any had reached the distant country.

He imagined Sapnap and George building snowmen, then Sapnap running off to go do something with Karl.

Soon enough his clothes were dry, but he kept them by the fire. While Dream had changed in the bathroom, Technoblade had added some more firewood.

It wasn't long before Tommy had woken up too. He looked almost scared when he came upstairs, hesitating when he saw the man on the couch.

"Is that Wilbur's sweater?" He squeaked, "Technoblade, why has Dream got Wilbur's sweater on?"

Techno paused, looking between Tommy and Dream. "He jumped in the snow and needed new clothes, and he's not wearin' mine."

Tommy just nodded, wandering off to a different part of the house. Dream checked outside again, and it was fucking snowing.

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