IV - Loyal

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Phil had been home for nearly a week now, and had set up his own temporary room on the bottom floor of the house.

Techno felt more at home with his father there, if that made sense. It was good to be with his family again.

He was currently in his room, sharpening his netherite pickaxe. Until he got his trident or the Orphan Obliterator back, he would have to make do with the Technodrill. He likes to name things.

The snow had melted quite a bit, and only a few inches were left on the spring grass.

As Technoblade went about his day, his mind drifted to Dream. He wasn't sure why; maybe it was the vibrant green grass sticking up through the snow, or maybe it was the faintly plingering smell in his bed this morning.

As he cleared the snow out of the sparring ring, setting down enchanted torches to help keep it from getting too snowy again, the dirty blonde crossed his mind again.

They hadn't sparred in ages, and they hadn't actually fought for even longer.

The idea of inviting him over to spar left his mind as quickly as it came.

It was ridiculous, why would he travel so far for an hour or two of practice just to head back the same day?

The trip from the SMP to the Arctic was cut short by the Nether portals, but that didn't mean it was easy.

Once the sparring ring was clear of snow, the boar man stood still in the center.

He liked the little area. The floor was patterned concrete, smooth and level. It was a rather large circle, about 100 feet wide? It was about seven feet into the ground, a polished stone staircase leading down.

The full walls were approximately ten feet tall, though, with wooden arches banding across the top. During the summer and fall, leafy vines would grow up along them, and it really was a sight. Planters and mounts lined the walls, with weapons, armor, gear, and the like.

There were the faintest red stains against the walls and floor, scrubbed but not erased. Each one held a memory. Techno could practically hear the clashing of swords and axes, the heavy thud of armor absorbing damage.

He must've zoned out, because when he finally looked around, Phil stood watering the plants and Technoblade hadn't seen him enter.

Phil designed this ring for Techno when he began to pick up more violent interests. He had chosen very simple, low-maintenance succulents for the walls, high enough so that they were pretty safe from the fighting.

Techno simply watched the man care for the plants, and followed him when he left.

"Did you enchant the torches?" Phil asked as they returned to the house.

"I did. I feel like we should get somethin to go over it though."

"We could add on a little building aboveground to spectate?"

It sounded nice, but Techno wasn't sure he liked it. "What about a glass dome or somethin?"

Phil hummed with a nod, "That might look nice, yeah," he dug through the general chests, searching for glass, "I'll probably do it later or tomorrow."

The two sketched plans for a house extension while Tommy crawled out of his bed and came upstairs.

He wandered around the kitchen, still lazy with sleep, before deciding on some chicken.

While the adults did... well, he didn't really know what they were doing, but they were doing it. While they did that, he planned to go outside.

He had drawn up a design for a cobblestone tower, and he was eager to test out his new method. After eating breakfast, he hurriedly got dressed for outside and gathered his necessary materials.

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