V - Luck

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As Dream spoke to Punz, he could feel a set of eyes land on his back. He casually turned just enough to see Quackity glaring daggers at him.

He mentally sighed; the Butcher Army had it out for him too. He didn't know how they knew that he had helped Technoblade, but they did.

He didn't particularly care, really. They were just another temporary nuisance. Instead, his focus was on MCC.

He had recently gotten his letter assigning him to a team - George, Sapnap, and Technoblade.

There was absolutely no way they could lose, but Dream always wanted to practice. He wouldn't let his teammates carry him, and he was eager to impress Techno, even if he refused to admit it.

Dream and Punz went their separate ways, leaving him to hunt down his friends. Sapnap was home with Karl while Quackity played President, and George just appeared.

It was funny, neither of the two had any idea where George lived. He hadn't rebuilt his mushroom house, and as far as they knew he hadn't built another one.

They never asked him about it, and it never came up, but every now and then Dream would realize that he still didn't know.

They discussed what they needed to work on personally, but saved most of the actual planning for when Technoblade was present.

Dream thought that it would be best if he traveled out to get Techno instead of all of them, so he split away from his friends and left for the Nether.

He didn't like the Nether, in all honesty. Maybe it was all of the times he'd gotten stuck or cornered in Manhunts, but something about the dimension gave him the slightest sense of anxiety.

The journey took about an hour, but it was worth it when he stepped through the purple veil into the arctic. He always enjoyed the feeling of warmth behind him and cold in front of him in the span of a single stride.

It was another half hour of walking before he reached Techno's house, but it wasn't much of a problem because there was very little snow on the ground.

He knocked on the door, and wasn't totally surprised when he was greeted by Phil.

"Oh, hi, Dream. What are you doing here?"

"Techno's on my team for MCC. I came to ask if he wanted to practice with us today."

Phil nodded, "He's out hunting with Tommy right now, but he should be back soon. If you want, I'm sure he'd be fine with you waiting inside."

Dream smiled, "Thanks, that'd be great."

So Dream waited inside. He spoke with Phil, and Phil thanked him for helping Techno escape execution.

"It was nothing. He's a good friend, and I like to think he'd do the same." He decided that he wasn't going to tell Phil about how he wanted to be more than "good friends" with his son.

They chatted for a couple minutes, and soon enough the door burst open. There stood Technoblade with a handful of chickens and rabbits, his other hand holding a bag full of carrots. Tommy followed behind him, holding more rabbits.

The pair immediately noticed Dream sitting on the couch, and Techno handed some of the game to Tommy and instructed him where to put them.

Technoblade hurriedly laid his handful of rabbits and bag of carrots on the counter, wiping his hands and stepping back into the living room.

"Dream! Hey," He said, pulling his bloodied gloves off of his hands. "What brought you out here?"

"Did you get your MCC letter?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2021 ⏰

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