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Authors note:
Snape has just called lily a mud blood, and she storms off giving him and James Potter a piece of her mind. It's the night of and she's in her dorm in bed. I DO NOT OWN THESE CHARACTERS ( ALL BELONG TO JK ROWLING) hope you enjoy! Love y/n x

Lily POV

My heart hurts. My heart physically hurts. How could he do something like that? In front of everyone. He knows that my blood has always been a big insecurity of mine, I just didn't know he would use it against me. I should've known. Mary said it's about time I'd gotten rid of him, but it feels like someone has just ripped my heart out and stamped on it. While my head swarms with the term over and over again a soft voice alerts me. "Lily" Mary whispered lightly, "he's outside the common room". I force myself to look up from my soaking pillow into her soft, blue eyes. "What?" I reply. "He's outside. He wants to talk with you. I told him to fuck off but he threatened to stay outside all night." Mary sighed. What would he possibly have left to say to me? I glance at myself in the mirror beside my bed. I look horrendous; dark circles cling to my eyelashes, and my hair is matted and stuck to my back. I'm a mess. "Lils" Mary repeats. I pull out of my trance and say "I'll talk to him, you stay here." Mary looks up at me " Are you sure? What if he tries to harm you?" "Then I'll kick him where it hurts." Mary giggles and pulls me up from my bed and pulls me into a soft hug. "He'll realise he shouldn't have dropped a gorgeous girl like you out of his life." As I reluctantly pull away from the calming heat coming from her, I say " Don't worry. I'll make sure of it."
*insert snape and Lily's convo*

~~~~~~~As I walk back into the common room I shudder; tears leak out from the corner of my eyes and I hastily wipe them away

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As I walk back into the common room I shudder; tears leak out from the corner of my eyes and I hastily wipe them away. I'm embarrassed for ever being his friend. His pathetic apology makes me boil with anger, any minute I'll erupt. As I try and steady my breath, a soft but firm hand strokes my shoulder. I turn around to see Potters muddy eyes softening as he peers at my face. He's probably thinking how puffy my eyes look, and how I have the appearance of being dragged through hell and back. "Lily"- "I don't want to talk to you right now Potter". I state. He flinches at my tone and removes his hand. "I'm sorry. Truly. You didn't deserve what happened....His loss, not yours." And as he turns to go up to his dorm, he gives me a weak smile I've never seen before. However, before I can say anything he is already up the stairs. I bite my lip in confusion. Wasn't he meant to ask me on a date? Or give me some perverted pick line for me to get angry at? But he's just been...nice. I head up to my dorm, exhausted and just desperately wanting to go home and become a muggle. Wishing I wasn't a witch, and to have never met Sev. I walk in and climb into my bed. I hear whispers but I don't care anymore. I shut my eyes and fall into an uneasy sleep.
I sit up bolt right as I splutter on some unknown substance. My eyes adjust to the scene. Mary, Marlene and Alice peer down at me holding a now empty glass of water, looking guilty as I open my mouth. However , before I can get a word out Alice says "you wouldn't wake up. Sorry Lils. Here." She forces porridge onto my lap. " we brought you breakfast as we didn't think you'd want to go into the Great Hall after"- she receives a side punch from Mary and winces." Owwww Mary!" Mary brushes her off as she sits beside me. She places her arm over me and brings me into a motherly hug. This act of kindness and appreciation for my friends hits me like a ton of bricks, and the waterworks start again. As I blubber pathetically, they all smile at me. They aren't my friends for nothing, they know I get sappy over little things. The mood picks up, and they discuss my outfit for the day. I half listen as I cram porridge down into my stomach, which makes me feel a tad queasy. They force me to get up and get in the shower. As I'm dragged back into the room they take charge. Before long I'm in an oversized lavender jumper, paired with some skin tight jeans with some knee high boots. They brush my hair into a messy bun and apply some blush to my cheeks. I look into the mirror and smile; they really know how to cheer me up. "Now" Marlene declares, "Its time to get on and act like nothing happened. It's all beneath you Lils." I smile at her words, and I believe them. I head down to the common room with them. I'm super lucky....

It's a few days later and it's like nothing has happened. I still feel like a part of me is missing, but I've gotten used to the feeling, and quite frankly , I'm relieved. As I walk down to breakfast, I hear someone calling my name. As I look up I collide with a body and tumble back onto the floor, dropping my ink onto all of my books. As I hastily scrape up my belongings, a rough hand helps me to my feet. "Remus!" I exclaim. As he hands me a book he shyly apologies, "sorry Lily, I tripped over my lace. I haven't had the chance to ask how you've been. I miss my study partner." He flushed a light pink colour and I smile " oh I'm fine, sorry I haven't been the library at all, I haven't had the best couple of days. Thanks for checking up on me though." I gratefully beam at him and I pull him down to kiss him on the cheek. He chuckles and pats the top of my head. Remus is a marauder, only he's the nicest one. He's like the brother I never had, and one of the softest people I know. He's a werewolf, he hasn't told me that but I already know. It doesn't change anything though. In the corner of my eye I see the marauders strut up to us, and James looks at me and grins. Other girls would swoon at his dimples or at his mischievous glint that gleams in his eyes, but I don't. I kind of hate them. But I have hated Potter since the beginning of time, and that's not about to change. "Hey Evans, fancy letting me take you to Hogsmeade one day? I swear I'll treat you right." I glare at him as I try to control my raging temper which ignites with the snap of a finger. However, I reply confidently " no, but if it were Black asking me I'd happily accept." I smirk at his blank face. And as I walk away, I hear the infamous laugh of Sirius Black ring through the corridor. I giggle to myself and enter the Great Hall.
James POV

"Psst. Remus. Do you really think she meant that?" I whisper urgently at the back of Minnies lesson. Without looking up at me, Remus writes on some loose parchment and replies "maybe". He heart drops into my stomach. I shut my eyes and try to focus on the lesson. I can feel my temper rising. I take 3 big breaths to control it. How can she pick Sirius, my best friend over me? I'm the one that likes her, not him! "Potter!" my head snaps up to an annoyed professor. "Do you know the answer?" "Er....yes?" I reply. "You don't seem so sure Potter?" I glance at her green oval shaped eyes. This didn't help. "Yes, Minnie I'll go out with you. Just don't tell Sirius or he'll have a meltdown knowing you didn't ask him before me." Minnie G's nostrils flare as she hands me a Friday night detention for my "cheek", although I have the feeling she turned around with a faint smile dancing on her lips. I chuckle to myself. Professor Mcgonagall is our favourite teacher. She is almost like a second Mother in a way, and she has four annoying children running around her every second. We know she likes us though, but she tends to have a soft spot for Sirius. I think it's about his family, but I'm not too sure. As the lesson ends, I walk out to the Great Hall for lunch in lighter spirits.

Authors note:
Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I have a feeling there will be many more! Be sure to keep reading on to find out more about lily and her summer plans with her friends, and some other people.....

Question for the day:
If Harry had to look through his parents possessions, what would be the most memorable thing he'd find?

THE BEGINNING | Jily pt1Where stories live. Discover now