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Authors note:
Hiii again. Hope you enjoy this chapter!!

Lily POV
As me and Marlene step outside her room we hear a buzz of voices down the stairs. We walk down the stairs, hand and hand, and my eyes fall on two girls smiling and chatting. I feel my smile increase as they shout my name "LILY! MARLENE! YOU LOOK FANTASTIC!" As I giggle we reach the end of the stairs and I hug both the girls. Mary and Alice look amazing. "You look breathtaking!" "Yeah you both look hot!" States Marlene. They both laugh and we start walking towards Marlene's kitchen. I glance around at the endless crowd of people and I spot Remus in the crowd. He looks very sick, must be a full moon coming up. I wave at him as I catch his eye and he gives me a grand smile. With him are the marauders, who flirt with the girls across the room. I say flirting, Peter looks like he is constipated. James and Sirius give them wide grins and I snort to myself, they are the biggest arse lickers I've ever known. Remus sees my expression and starts laughing himself. We both wipe away our tears and the boys notice him looking at me. I smile and turn away to Alice. However, when I look for Alice she's no where near. Weird. I decide to suck up my pride and I make my way over to Remus. He notices me walking towards him so he meets me halfway, leaving the marauders behind him. "Lily you look very lovely tonight." Remus smiles. "Do I not look nice every night Remus?" I respond with jokingly. He gets all flustered and stammers. I laugh and he does too. "So, the boys look like they want to snog those girls over there senseless." I state. He looks back at them eyeing up the girls. He chuckles and responds with "they are both madly in love with two girls so I have no idea what they are doing." "Oh, really?" Remus looks at my face and a glimpse of pity forms on his face. "Yeah, although I have no idea how James will get her. Or Sirius. They don't even talk to them." "Well haven't you given them any tips? You'd actually have the best chance out of them dimwits to date a girl." I say. "Thanks for the compliment Lils, but I can't." A dark look paints his face but disappears quickly. We both notice Peter timidly making his way to a 4th year Hufflepuff who gives him a quick smile. "He's had his eyes on her for the whole year. He was always too shy to approach her. Don't tell Marlene's parents but he's had some fire wiskey so he's abit more confident." I giggle and watch him talk to her. "I think they'd be good together don't you?" I ask Remus. "Yeah, they would. She's like a female Peter." I laugh at this statement and glance at Sirius. However, he has his eyes in the direction of Marlene. Hmmm. I look at James, who eyes a girl in a pink dress. He smiles at her, and then looks at me. I glance back to Remus, anger and annoyance playing on my tongue. I remember our fight that happened on one of the last days of school. He said things that hurt me. I said things that hurt him. I don't regret it. I'm pulled out of my thoughts when Remus says "Lils, you look like you are going to kill someone." I snap back into reality and laugh at his words. "I'm fine Remus, I'm going to talk to Marlene, want to come?" I ask. "Nah, I'm going to go and give them doughnuts my brilliant dating advice." He winks and walks back to the marauders. I chuckle and walk over to Marlene.

James POV

We arrive to Marlene's house and are greeted by her parents. My parents are good friends with hers, so they smile warmly at me and the others. We step into the grand house, and we walk over to the drinks. Sirius is already tipsy, don't ask me how, he just is. I watch him pour some butter beer into his drink and I sigh. He's been through a lot of shit this summer. He ran away from his parents and came to my house. He was a mess. He had blood and bruises everywhere. My heart broke looking at him. How could you not love your child and how could you treat them like that? He lives with me now. I really enjoy it. He's like the brother I never had. However, he's putting on a front. I know he's hurting badly. Underneath he is killing himself over it. I look back up to him and grin. I look at the crowd of people. I recognise a few people from our school and my eyes fall on 4 girls. They move towards Marlene's kitchen. A certain redhead catches my attention. I force myself to look away, the fight plays back in my mind. I hate her. But I crave to be with her. But what she said broke my heart, so I guess I'll have to get over her. I force my gaze to a group of girls across the room. A girl in a pink dress catches my eye and she smiles warmly at me. She's beautiful. Remus walks away from us, probably to talk to a girl he has his eye on. I keep looking at the girl. We make eye contact we both blush and look away quickly. I look back and smile at her. My eyes tear themselves away from her and fall on Lily. The world stands still for a second. I feel a building of anger twist in my stomach and I look at the floor. My breathing speeds up and I close my eyes. Sirius asks me if I'm okay and I shrug him off. I catch the girls eyes again and I smirk at her. She blushes and engages in a conversation with her friends. Remus returns and I ask where Peter vanished to. He points to him and a hufflepuff talking. I smile warmly. He really deserves it. I say "she's like the female version of him isn't she?" Remus laughs and agrees. I tell Remus about the girl in pink and he looks at her. He smiles and says she very beautiful. I agree and quiz him about her. He tells me I should be asking her those questions so I suck up my pride and make my way over to her. Her friends go silent, smirking at the unknown girl. I blush and ask to talk to her. She smiles warmly and walks with me to Marlene's living room.  The rest is history.....

THE BEGINNING | Jily pt1Where stories live. Discover now