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Authors note:
Enjoy :)

Lily POV

I walk over to Marlene who is engaged in a conversation with two boys. One of them catches my eye and grins. I grin back. I approach Marlene and she introduces to the 6th year Ravenclaws. As Marlene talks to the one on the left, the one on the right smiles and introduces himself. "I'm Daniel. Daniel Corner." He shakes my hand as I introduce myself "I'm Lily. Lily Evans. I've never seen you around Hogwarts before?" "Oh I'm in 6th year. Going into 7th. You are a Gryffindor right?" He asks. I smile as I say "yeah I am. Ravenclaw?" He mirrors my smile and confirms. Before long, we are talking about nothing and everything. He's so easy to talk to, and is very... handsome. He compliments me on my dress and hair, and I blush furiously. He laughs at this and teases about my red cheeks. I laugh and clap back with the infamous know it all line. He chuckles and stares into my eyes. His eyes are a blinding green, with flecks of blue in them. I could look at them all day. We walk to the drinks bar and he states "so Evans. I've seen you in the library a lot of times. With that Lupin. You like to read?" My heart flutters as he asks this question. I ramble on "my favourite thing to do. How can no one like to read? It absolutely baffles me." He laughs and his eyes soften while he talks. I don't even know this boy, but I can tell we are going to be really good friends. I hope more than that.....Shut up Lily! After the party everyone leaves, and he bids me goodbye. We both start walking the same direction and start laughing. I wave as he reaches his friend, and we both blush. His friend gives him a suggestive nudge and he walks into the night. I feel the heat on my cheeks radiate around me as I trudge up the stairs. I'm hit with a shout as I enter Marlene's door and she drags me inside. I look around and Alice, Mary and all the marauders are sitting in a circle. Confused as I was, I just went with it and let my mind wonder on the boy who I had just spoke to. A million miles away Marlene says "we are playing truth or dare Lils, want to play?" I look up at her and nod. She must sense something is up because she mouths "I'll speak to you later". I grin at her and turn my focus to the game. Sirius slurs his words and says "Prongs, truth or dare?" James grins and states "dare". "Ok, 7 minutes in heaven with Mary." Sirius says. Everyone freezes and starts to snicker as he grabs her hand and leads her outside. Remus looks at me sadly, but then smiles. He's been looking at me like that a lot recently. I'm not sure why but I don't ask. Before long, Mary and James return back, looking content. I check for any signs of action but Mary's lipstick isn't smudged, or James's shirt isn't untucked. I smile weakly at her and wait for the next question. "Remus"
James declares, "truth or dare". Remus picks truth, and James asks " if you had to go out with anyone in this room, who would it be?" Remus grins at him and confidently states "Lily". I feel my cheeks heat up but I wink at him. He chuckles. He then says "Lily, truth or dare?" For some reason I pick truth, and he says "Tell us where you disappeared to tonight." My cheeks burn with embarrassment, and I mumble "iwaswitharavenclaw." He grins and asks me to repeat my answer. I state " I was with a Ravenclaw, but don't get any ideas." Everyone laughs, and Marlene looks at me with wide eyes "the one I introduced you to?" I respond "yeah. He's very nice." She then looks at Remus smugly and states "I knew she would like him Remus. You owe me 5 galleons." My eyebrows knit in confusion as Remus gives Marlene her money. I'm about to ask Marlene a question when James says hurriedly "cmon next question." I shoot him a look and turn to Alice " Alice, truth or dare?" She smiles and says "truth". I ask her the same question " where were you tonight Alice?" She blushes but confidently says " I was talking with Longbottom." I beam at her, and give looks to Marlene and Mary. They both grin and stare at Alice. " took you long enough." I say under my breath. She whips her head around and says " oh shut up Lils." I laugh. The rest of the time we carry on the game, until Mary falls asleep on Remus's shoulder, and we call it a night. I get into my pjs and sigh happily into my pillow. I felt my eyelashes shut and dreamt about a green eyed boy....

THE BEGINNING | Jily pt1Where stories live. Discover now