End of summer

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Authors note:
Here is the last chapter of my first book! I know it's such a short read but I promise my next book will be longer( a full 6th year).
Lily POV

I wake up early to the sound of my mom. "Lily, it's time to get up. You don't want to miss the train now do you?" I sit up too quickly and make myself abit dizzy. She laughs as she pulls me out of bed. "I can't believe I'm in 6th year mom. It's crazy." She sighs and looks sadly at me "you are growing up so fast Lily." I smile sadly at her. I wish I could slow down time. I know there's tension in the air. I know there's a war. It will come. I just don't want to face it yet. She then starts humming "slipping through my fingers" from ABBA , which makes her tear up. I try not to cry by shoving my clothes on and running down to breakfast. My dad is already up as he greets me in the kitchen. As I shovel cereal into my mouth, my parents say it's time to go. I quickly run to get my trunk out of my room, which I drop down the stairs. My lovely sister *notice the sarcasm?* Petunia screams at the top of her lungs for waking her up. Me and my dad share a look and we start snorting. My mom ushers us out the door, and I scream "BYE TUNEY." I laugh and get into the car. As we pull out of the drive way, I glance at my house. I will not be missing it in the slightest. Butterflies form in my stomach at the thought of Hogwarts, even the ghosts make me want to sing with excitement. In less than 15 minutes we get to Kings Cross and we walk to platform 9 3/4. My mom and dad look at me and hug me tight. I chuckle and hug them back. "We will miss you Lils. Be good and write to us." My mom whispers into my ear. "And no boyfriends." My dad adds. I laugh and hit him slightly on the arm. "Don't worry dad, I'll be bringing back more than one boy." He gives me a look that says "oh no you won't". I laugh and wave goodbye. I lean up against the barrier and melt into the platform......


James POV

We apparate into a side alley and walk quickly over to Kings Cross Station. Me and Padfoot have been coming up with new pranks that we'll have to inform Wormy and Moony on. My parents disappear through the barrier and me and Sirius follow suit. It's cringe to say it, but I feel like I'm going back home.........

'FALLING| jily pt2'
This book is about their 6th year, and I'll be focusing a lot on all the different characters aswell as lily and James.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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