Morning sunshine

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authors note:
Please leave a comment to tell me if you are enjoying this! I have no idea if it's good or absolutely terrible :) anyways enjoy the next chapter x
Lily POV

I wake up to someone pushing me. I wipe the sleep out of my eye and glance up at the stranger. Marlene's blue eyes melt warmly as she smiles, and she pulls me out of bed. I look a the clock on the wall ; it's 11 am. I can still feel the mascara from last night clinging to my eyelashes, and my flushed cheeks slapped on my face. "I think you have something to tell me!" Marlene states. I roll my eyes and walk to the bathroom, Marlene hot on my heels. I brush out the knots in my hair and wash off the remaining makeup on my face. She taps her foot impatiently as I snort. "Ok fine! But you have to tell me about your night too!" I plead. "Fine. I snogged the Ravenclaw boy and he said he would write to me." She says with a faint tinge creeping onto her cheeks. I chuckle and confess my night "well I did not snog Daniel but we talked about books. He's a huge book nerd like me." Marlene groans and mumbles under her breath "granny." I giggle. "Did he say he would write ?" She asked. A cloud of doubt passes my face; he didn't say he would write. Maybe he doesn't care ? Maybe he just wants to be friends... "no he didn't. But that doesn't mean anything right?" Marlene bites her lip "probably not. He's a boy after all." I weakly smile and get ready for the day. I was staying at Marlene's for another night. I go to walk out the bathroom when a body crashes into mine. "Lily-flower, you need to watch where your going!" Half-shouts Sirius Black. I grumble back "shut up Black.", as I head to Marlene's room. He laughs and heads into the bathroom. "Marls? Why is Black here?" I ask opening the door. She looks up and responds "he comes and goes as he pleases. Well Black and Potter do. Potters parents are friends with mine so they are round often. Plus, Black is practically Potters shadow, they come as a pair." I laugh at this and get into my clothes. It's 11:45 am by the time we go downstairs for breakfast. Marlene receives a letter from the Ravenclaw boy and reads it aloud:

Dear Marlene,
Hope you are doing well. I had so much fun last night, I hope you did too. I never got to tell you how beautiful you looked in that dress. ( you are beautiful normally aswell) You should wear blue more, it suits you. Matches your eyes. If you want me to keep writing until I see you in September please write back. I really want to get to know you. I'll see you at Kings Cross?
Thomas Clearwater x

P.s my owl likes affection from pretty girls ;)

Marlene finishes of her sentence and strokes the owl. He bats his eyes at her and nips her affectionately. I giggle at him. She scribbles back a note and sends it off with his owl. However, I remember about Marlene's crush for Sirius, and I ask "Marls? I thought you liked Black?" She sighs and looks at me "it's not like I have chance. I- I caught him kissing two girls yesterday. I don't want to be with a player Lils. Plus, Thomas is so sweet. Really nice. I could see myself falling for him." I beam at her and silently wish that Marlene and Thomas will be with each other in the future. I finish off my cereal and head upstairs with Marlene for a fun day.
James POV

As the party wraps up I kiss Lola on the cheek. She beams and says goodbye. "I'll write Potter, if you'd like me to." I blush and say "I would like that." She chuckles and walks off to meet her friends. Padfoot grabs me out of nowhere and congratulates me on my pull. "She's lovely Padfoot. Such a nice girl. She's in hufflepuff. Last name is Abbott. What d'ya think?" He drunkenly smiles at me and says "I'm happy for you Prongsie." I laugh and sling my arm over his shoulder. Marlene walk past us and says to meet her in her room in 5. She says to bring Lupin and Pettigrew aswell. Padfoot grins up at me and says " kinky." I lightly slap his face while saying "get your head out of the gutter." We laugh and round up the other two Marauders. I was so happy I didn't even notice Evans walking past us taking to someone. I have decided it's time to let her go. It's a hard blow but I know other girls will come. And I hope that Lola will like me enough to get to know me. I really like her. We enter Marlene's room and sit in a circle. Finally, Evans comes bursting into the room , looking flustered as a smile is plastered on her face. She seems....distracted. I don't know. I don't care. I just want to play truth or dare. We begin.....

"Prongs. Truth or dare." I grin at Sirius and I answer "dare." "Ok, 7 minutes in heaven with Mary." Everyone snickers as I lightly grab her hand and pull her out of the room. Before I can speak she says "James. What's up with Lily and you?" I sigh and sit down on the floor. "It's complicated. We had.... a fight. I said stuff I regret saying. She doesn't like me at all now. Not like she ever did but I'm over her. I'm bored of waiting Mary." She weakly smiles and pats my head. She sits beside me. " I know it's hard. You've liked her since the beginning of time, and she doesn't even acknowledge you. Don't give up though. Lily is stubborn. Trust me I know that, but you will be able to win her over James. Are you still going to try?" I race my fingers through my hair as I say "I'm not sure. I met this girl tonight. Lola Abbott. She's lovely Mary. I really want to get to know her you know?" She smiles at me and says "I know." I ask her about her night, and we just talk about nothing. We decide to head back into the room, but I kiss her on the cheek and murmur a thanks into her ear. She chuckles and opens the door. Everyone looks up at us and search for any action. I sit back down by Padfoot and watch Marlene make kissing faces at me. I smirk and look at the ground. I ask Remus his question but I hardly pay attention to his answer . I'm too distracted. Do I try for Lily, or should I try for Lola? Lily or Lola? My head snaps up at Remus's question for Lily and she goes red. She repeats her answer. She was with a Ravenclaw? When? Stop James, you are over her remember? I sigh inwardly. Atleast it's not a Slytherin. I say "cmon. Next question." to her. She glares at me and asks Alice truth or dare. I zone out again. It's going to be a long night............


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