Chapter Twenty: Serving of Stupidity

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Ship. Ship ship. Snippity shippity, this port is now my property. Is that the right thing that the kids say these days? Whatever. Get together. You're so cute and chaotic together. Start dating. You're old enough to get married now. You're both beautiful, and I bet your children would be too.

Ring ring. It's the phone. Robane Residence, what is your order?

Yessir, I'd like a serving of two dumb best friends that look pretty good together, and an extra large serving of loyalty, overcoming social status, and stupidity on the side, please.

That was what was playing in papa Robane's head as he had Felix and Alice in his house. Yes, Felix could not come around a lot, but with Alice, he was definitely making the effort to drop by when he could, even if only for a second at two in the morning or in the middle of lunch. He definitely had some sort of Alice radar in his senses that he always knew what room she was in, somehow.

With a closed eye smile, he listened peacefully to the sound of, ah yes, shrieking and running wheels. Old enough and intimidating as they were at times, both exuding power, they were still children inside. They had definitely stolen a serving cart, and last he eavesdropped, Alice had shoved Felix into one, and made it run through the halls. With both trapped on it, and maids chasing them, they were screaming like right now. Considering they hadn't crashed yet, he assumed Alice somehow mastered steering it. They just passed his door. Hopefully, no one would break a bone or fourth vase.

But he would also like to have Alice in the Robane house forever. Not in a creepy sort of way, but more of "you make this place more entertaining and lively, and I really think you're the best choice for my son so please marry into this family" sort of way that he'd kick Felix in the back of his knees to make it look like he would beg her or propose. And if that didn't work, he was definitely tenacious enough to bug them, or even his majesty. He was that passionate about their non-existent love life, where a lot of intense stuff was leading to nowhere, like kisses on the shoulder, neck, and cheek.

Plus, the fact that Alice was immune to the sight of shirtless Felix, sweating Felix, sleeping Felix, happy Felix, all types of Felixes. And literally no one else could say that Felix was "meh. Anyway-" like she has, and mean it, because he was that attractive in everything he did. And he knew. Who do you think he got his looks from?

Basically, Alice wasn't interested in his appearance so much, but more for his personality. And the boy definitely needed someone like that, because he was a very, very sought-after bachelor. His appearance was one of the reasons why, other than his lineage and occupation.

Aww. Alice was perfect. She was funny, cute, secretly a nerd that liked to cook, and could beat his son in a fight. He knew. He's seen and heard. Felix was already good, and a legend in his own right, but she made him look like he needed some pointers. And she was a good girl that Felix relied on more than he realized. Problem was her social status. While he didn't have a problem with it himself, it was more the views of those around him. If they decided to get together like he wanted, Alice would be perceived as a concubine at best, and stories of where nobles legitimately took commoners as their number one spouse, they definitely didn't end well. Lovers torn apart, houses damaged by rumors, by jealousy, by distrust, by "blood too good for their likes", not very pretty pictures to paint.

At least Alice had built something for herself, rising to a position usually worthy for those of noble bloodlines. Being a royal guard, personally for royalty, and being so popular with the masses as she was, proving commoners could do big things too, whether intentional or not, he was pretty sure she was up to par with Felix in terms of reputation. Problem was she wasn't a noble, or cared for their society like that, so she didn't make anything like a house name for herself. It would've been possible, and not considering her well-known name, her father was once in a very wealthy, sought-after business of selling, creating, and mining memorial stones. It would give her a big boost as a merchant's daughter alone with old connections ― her dad was even acquainted with him and Duke Alpheus, which was not something to scoff at ― but she wasn't taking her chances.

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