Chapter 4: New Faces

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"Peter!" Lucy yelled the second she entered the room

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"Peter!" Lucy yelled the second she entered the room. Emily entered the room with Edmund, Lucas, and Lucy back at Cair Paravel. The four all stood in a large throne room. Above them was a magnificent glass ceiling. The light above gave a glistening, luster of a glow. Around them were about five large pillars on either side. The crown jewel was in the center, toward the back where large glass windows gave a stunning view of the sea. There, on a marble floored dais, were four large thrones.

Upon one of them, sat a girl who looked older than Lucy. Dark raven curls rolled over her shoulders, looking up to the four with bright blue eyes. Behind her, a tall boy with a similar hair color to the girl, and in similar age. His wispy hair stopped at his shoulders. Both dressed in the color blue, like pure royalty. "Lucy, what's the matter?" She looked down towards her sister from the large steps of the dais. The boy also turned his attention towards Lucy, but then inspected the newcomers. "And who are they?"

"We found them on the beach. She's from Finchley as well, isn't it wonderful?" Lucy walked towards her sister, after pointing back to Emily, standing beside Lucas and Edmund in the center of the room. "If you could let them introduce themselves, Lu." Edmund glanced at Emily with a smile, while Lucy stood near a throne, the other girl standing to look.

Emily smiled back to Edmund, as she stepped forward. "My name is Emily Richards." With a glance around the throne room she noticed more figures had entered. Some of the centaurs from earlier stood by balcony entrances and doors. A few fauns with trays of food looked to see the new faces as well. She wanted to talk to each and every one of them. To understand, to learn, to befriend. She realized her presence of royalty, and hesitantly started to take a curtsy.

"Oh no, that won't be necessary." The girl next to Lucy spoke up. "I'm Susan. Lucy and Edmund's sister." She was the only one to not mention her full title, until the boy behind her throne spoke up. "That's High Queen Susan, the Gentle. To be exact." He smirked slightly with his accent.

"Caspian-" Susan had tried interrupting him.

"And I am Prince Caspian." He persisted, with a nod to Emily and Lucas. Despite his long moment of silence, Lucas finally decided to say something after being in such shock.

"Do we refer to you by your titles? Your majesties?" Emily's gaze followed Edmund towards the three on the dais.

"That won't be necessary. We are all friends and family here, after all." Emily noticed Edmund taking another chance to flash a smile to her. "We welcome you to our home, and Narnia." Susan added.

"But that's just it. How did we get here?" Emily gestured to the large throne room with a puzzled look. "And how did you all get here?" Lucas added on to her statement. More questions and answers were to come, until everyone heard the sound of wooden doors opening.

"Have I missed, something?" A boy asked. Those in attendance in the throne room turned to see the one who spoke. Everyone seemed to give a nod of respect or bow when they recognized who it was, but when Emily saw him, time seemed to slow. The boy's golden locks were brushed out of his blue eyes as his entrance came from the large side doors. She studied every movement. The way his hands swung at his sides, his head tossing his hair back, and finally, his stance and gaze. She realized that he had caught her stare, folding his hands behind his back. Two sets of blue eyes were locked in a trance. She wanted to speak, but when her mouth opened no words tumbled out. That was, until another voice, this time more familiar, broke the awkward silence. "And that, is Peter." Lucy commented, with a slight giggle.

"The magnificent." Edmund added on to Lucy, although he did not sound too pleased when Emily finally came back to her senses to speak. Lucas had started snickering, causing her to scoff and punch him on the shoulder. "Lucas!"

"I'm sorry- I'm sorry! Ouch!" He stopped his laughing and covered his mouth to let Peter speak.

"Welcome to Narnia." He smiled, that was mainly directed at Emily. On the dais, Caspian or someone must have taken notice of the awkward silence that flooded the room, and proposed an idea.

"I say," Caspian spoke up, as everyone turned to look at him. "We all discuss stories over dinner. As well as all of your questions. It's being served now in the dining hall."

"A wonderful idea, Caspian." Susan commented. Emily broke the gaze with Peter to see Susan gesturing everyone through the doors that Peter had entered from. He even offered her a hand to guide her to the doors. Emily ignored Lucas and Lucy's heaps of giggles and laughs while they walked ahead.

"You can call me Peter. No need for the titles." His voice was calm and sweet. His smile was just the same, but maybe a little mischievous. It made Emily turn a hint of red. The boys she had met and grew up with were all the same to her, and never changed. Arrogant and rude, but from what she could see currently, was that Peter wasn't like that. "And do you have a name?"

"Emily. Unless, we are going by titles. That I don't have." She let out an awkward laugh, that was returned by Peter. He kept his arm extended to her, but the moment was interrupted by Susan. She sort of tensed up at the surprising arm of Susan's that grabbed hers, instead of Peter.

"Finally another girl to talk to." Susan smiled to Emily. A new friend was exactly what she could need. Especially one who is related to Peter. How she could talk about him and ask Susan so many questions on him. As quickly as she was obsessed with a locked door, she soon became obsessed with Peter. A boy that for all she knew could be from this dream that she was living in. Everything she touched, smelled, and heard, wasn't a dream. She had somehow traveled to this fantasy world and she was loving every moment of it all.

Emily tried turning her head back towards the throne hall as she realized the only two left there were Peter and Edmund. She could hear faint voices that conversed in the lonely hall, growing quieter and farther from where she stood. Susan continued to drag her along, trying to converse with her to take her mind off of what the boys were talking of in the hall. It seemed to work, for the last thing she could hear and remember of the conversation was, "We'll see about that."


Okay, Ik this chapter may have been a bit short, but at least next chapter we will get to see Edmund and Emily bond.

XOXO -Paris

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