Chapter 7: Won't You Join Me

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"May the best man win," Giggles followed after the words

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"May the best man win," Giggles followed after the words.

"Lucy!" Susan looked towards her sister with an open jaw. The three of them had all started discussing the two Pevensie brothers. Their new friend, Emily Richards, had captured their hearts. Both brothers Emily had hardly known a day, yet they jousted in the training room with jealousy and contemplated how to talk to her in the dining hall. The girls, on the other hand, had decided to take the civil approach. Susan and Lucy both loved their brothers dearly, so how could Emily expect them to tell her which boy to choose. Edmund, was honest and really did make Emily feel welcomed to her first time in Narnia, as well as Lucas. She saw Lucas and Edmund as her friends. But Peter Pevensie, that was an entirely different story. "Well, if you do decide to pursue one of them-" Lucy started to speak again, but was quickly interrupted.

"Lucy Pevensie, don't talk that way! It is highly inappropriate!" Susan's mouth remained in the same position is had been, while Emily started to hold her stomach from laughing so hard. "Are you sure you aren't doing the same with Caspian, currently?" For the first time since she arrived, Emily was met with a cold stare from Susan. Had she angered her in some way? Were her and Caspian not a couple? Her face returned to it's reddened state, her mouth opened to apologize, but the next thing out of Susan's mouth surprised her entirely. It was the soft sound of a laugh. Susan began laughing out loud. Cackling almost. Lucy smiled after the tension, and joined in with her sister. They were so alike in beauty and grace, but also different in talents and beliefs. Their laughs are what made them sound like true, young sisters. "I didn't say something wrong did I?" Emily questioned the two.

"No! No not at all! Quite the opposite actually," Susan spoke up while Lucy was still laughing uncontrollably. Susan patted her sister's arm to get her to stop. "It seems you've been paying attention to the current attractions of Cair Paravel."

"I don't see why everybody needs a love interest. I am independent! I carry a bloody dagger with me wherever I go." Lucy interrupted out of nowhere. She leaned back in her chair and folded her arms softly.

"Maybe that's why you don't have a love interest Lu." Susan smirked as she took a sip of her tea, but Lucy on the other hand gasped. The next thing Emily noticed was that a piece of bread, no, a cucumber sandwich had hid Susan square on the cheek. The culprit? Lucy.

Susan set her cup down in a polite manner before standing and clearing her throat. "I thank you all for joining me for breakfast." Her neutral look soon turned into a grin. "Before you all face my wrath." Susan picked up a sandwich of her own and tossed it at Lucy. She was already prepared as she dodged it quickly by diving under the table. "Em, help me!" Susan laughed as she grabbed more cookies and slices of food off the table. Emily was in total shock as she started standing up with a smirk forming. She picked up a slice of fruit and threw it at Susan. It landed on her neck, and she tried to act shocked from the betrayal of her food fighting partner. Lucy came back out from under the table and used the diversion of Emily and Susan chucking food at each other to get away. It didn't last long however, as the eldest girls quickly noticed, and chased after Lucy.

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