The Search

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Christian's POV

(Christian's first POV!!! We finally get to see everything in his point of view.)

Lying to Ian wasn't anything that I liked doing but Bonnie technically begged me to and Sapphire was my niece and I had to try to protect her... But it was about time that Ian found out about what I was keeping from him.

"Christian!" Mira called from behind me... Pulling me out of my thoughts then walked up to me with a huge smile on her face and I kissed her hand. "Still such a gentleman, I see."

"How have you been? I haven't seen you in a while."

She took a glass of champagne from a waitress that was passing by with a tray filled with glasses, "Well, I'm no longer married to a man who is in love with someone else ... I'm amazing." she flashed me a little smile then looked at me up and down, "You look amazing... I'm guessing leaving Ian's security team did you wonders?"

"Well, maybe." I pursed my lips and took a sip of my drink.

"Still so loyal to your cousin... It's cute that you wouldn't even talk smack about him." she dusted off my jacket gently then flattened her palms on my chest before taking a step closer and I looked down into her brown eyes. "I've always really loved your blue eyes... They're so calming."

"What is this about, Mira? What are you trying to do here?" I asked with my brows furrowed.

"You know... Ever since our thing in high school ended. You just grew so distant and I figured it was because you knew that I was to marry Ian but now that I no longer am and you don't work for him anymore... Maybe we could,you know... Restore old memories? "she suggested as she tucked a few strands of her hair behind her ear and looked up at my face then squeezed my bicep before speaking," Meet me in my room upstairs in two minutes ... And don't keep me waiting. "

I watched as she walked away, making her way through the crowded room and swayed her hips side to side as she went upstairs. Her long curls bouncing around her back and she looked back at me one more time then disappeared upstairs.

I was having a long argument with any part of my mind that was still sane about going there but I guess my body won because next thing I was following her. And yes... We dated a bit in high school but it was nothing serious.

Mira liked anything big, fancy, expensive and unnecessary which explained the size of her bedroom... Huge blinds, king sized bed and a huge window for the view of the beautiful surroundings. She walked out of the closet with a silky golden robe and stood right in front of me. My eyes traveled up and down her body as I took off my jacket and I untied her belt. She was in some black lacy panties with no bra on. I pulled off her robe and picked her up.

Her legs instantly locked around my waist and I lowered us on top of her bed. She quickly undid the buttons on my shirt and her hands ran over my muscular torso. I devoured her body in many ways one could and made sure to not spend the night. I knew I was eventually going to regret having sex with her because Mira tended to get clingy and never really had boundaries... And that was one of the reasons why we broke up.

I got back to my apartment and got ready for the early flight I had in the morning. Upon my arrival... I texted Ian to let him know that I had already landed before turning it off then left it in the plane . I didn't want to be tracked by anyone because even Ian didn't know that I was where I was. I had a second phone that I used sometimes so I could call anytime I needed to.

A black Ford mustang was already waiting to drive me to my destination. After a 45 minute drive we arrived.

"Take my luggage to the hotel and I'll be sure to text you when I need a ride."

Evan nodded, "Yes, sir."

I hopped out of the car and walked up to the doorstep. I knocked on the door and I heard a familiar female voice..."Coming!" after a couple seconds the door flew open, "Christian?"

"Hi, Bonnie."

She furrowed her eyebrows, " Last time you were here you said you wouldn't come back... Does Ian know that you are here?"

"I know... He doesn't know but I just came here to let you know that I'm going to tell him. He deserves to know. He's miserable, Bonnie." I sighed, "Sapphire's four years old now... And don't you just want to be with him again?"

She sighed then stepped aside for me to enter,"Of course I do... He's the father of my daughter." she said as she closed the door behind me.

"Good..."I walked over to the living room, picked Sapphire up from the floor and held her in my arms." Hey, pretty. "

" Hi... "she whispered as she covered her face with her tiny hands and buried her face in the crook of my neck... Sapphire was pretty shy.

" So, cute... Last time I was here all she said was 'okay'... . "

" That was two years ago, Christian ... Give her a few hours and she'll be chatting your ears off. Want something to drink? " Bonnie said as she went to the kitchen and we followed behind her.

"Water would be nice... Thank you." i placed Sapphire on the kitchen table and i sat on the wooden stool in front of her. "How're things around here?"

"Good. My mother came to visit about a month ago... Her and Sapphire really get along, so that was great." she handed me the glass of water and our hands brushed up against each other but she quickly pulled her hand back.

It was silent for a while then she finally spoke up," Do you think he's angry at me? "

" Who? Ian? "

" Yeah... "

I shook my head 'no'... "No... Maybe. I'm not quite sure actually. Ian's very good at hiding his true feelings with what people expect him to feel. I'm pretty sure you're the only one who could possibly tell how he really feels." I finished my water as Sapphire playfully pulled on my wristwatch.

She pouted, clearly she was worried by the whole Ian thing... I held her hand in mine trying to cheer her up. Well, i thought that was a good idea until our eyes met... Things were sort of weird between us ever since I kissed her a couple years ago. I knew that she was still crazy about Ian but Bonnie was beautiful and liking her was inevitable though I never dreamed of ever ruining what she had with Ian... It was just a stupid crush . Sapphire suddenly sneezed and we both broke eye contact.

"I should probably put on her favorite cartoons for her." Bonnie suggested as she took Sapphire then went to the living room.

I texted my driver to meet me outside in five minutes. "I just texted my driver..."

"You're leaving already?"

"Yeah..." I sighed, "... I have a meeting in 20. And besides, i should leave you to get yourself together... I'm pretty sure Ian will be landing as soon as he possibly can."

She nodded and when I was just about to leave...

"Hey, Christian..."

I turned around to look at her with my eyebrows furrowed.

"Thanks again."

I nodded before looking at Sapphire who was staring at the tv then brought my eyes back to Bonnie . "No problem." I then left without a word... And as much as I knew that Ian was going to be angry with me but I was just trying to help the love of his life and their child.


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