Surprise Visit

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Bonnie's POV

Since the past four years, I have made it a point to always let Sapphire know that her father was somewhere and that he loved her. She was a pretty smart kid with very good facial recognition skills and she hardly forgot faces ... I often showed her pictures of her father and told her stories about him. I knew she didn't understand most of the things i said but I just really missed him.

The previous three years as my last option to try and move on from Ian... I slept with Tony, which by the way didn't go so well. It was terrible because I accidentally moaned Ian's name and that was so embarrassing.

For my daily routine, I normally woke up around six in the morning and made Sapphire some breakfast before lazing off because I had a day off from work. She had been acting up all day... She was crying after every hour but i knew she wasn't feeling sick so, she just wanted my full attention. She'd sometimes stare at me and I found it pretty hard to look into her hazel eyes since they'd just remind me of Ian.

"Are you okay, honey?" I picked her up and placed her on my lap.

She nodded with her eyes shut and laid her head on my chest.

"Then why are you acting like this?" I asked and she sat up staring at me with her big eyes and her dimples showed as she pursed her tiny lips. "Okay, fine... Ice-cream or pizza?"

"Ice-cream." she whispered with her small hands cupping my cheeks.

I grabbed my car keys and my wallet... I decided to also run some errands since I was running out of some things anyway. After I buckled her up in the back seat of my white Toyota corolla, I heard my neighbor call from across the street.

"Hey, Bonnie!" he quickly crossed the street and stood next to me. "You've been locked up in that house of yours for a while now ..." he looked through the window and waved at Sapphire. "So... I have this thing i have at work, and I was wondering if you would come with? Not like a date or anything but just... As neighbors, or friends..."

"Uhhm..." i sighed remembering that if I were to agree that meant he would've thought that I was finally in the dating market , "I can't... I would've loved to, though. I've just been so busy and tired lately."

He nodded in understanding then we awkwardly stood there staring at each other... Dave sort of liked me ever since I got to this place but I just tended to deliberately ignore the obvious signs of his crush on me.

" Okay... So, I'll see you around, Dave." I said as i patted his shoulder and awkwardly slipped into my car then pulled the door before sighing.

When we got back Sapphire and I had already had something to eat out and some ice-cream... Got some groceries and some additional ice-cream in a tub because I knew she could never have enough of it. I would've tucked her into bed but she wouldn't have it so I was just sitting in the living room staring at the tv, not being able to hear a thing that was being said but she was totally hooked by what was on... I heard the doorbell ring. I first checked the time wondering who could be at the door at 8pm...

I went to the door... Slightly hesitant to open but i unlocked it then turned the doorknob and instantly my body went cold due to the amount of surprise that hit me.

"Bonnie..." he said in a deep voice, a big black bag hanging on his shoulder as he stared down at my height with his hands on either side of the doorframe and his hair over his eyes that I couldn't really see.

"I..."before I could say anything his arms instantly wrapped around my shoulders and tightly gripped on the back of my oversized shirt with his knuckles rubbing against my back over the shirt. I took a sudden step back due to the impact of the hug as he just suddenly crashed his body on mine. I hesitated at first but then I returned the hug and he buried his face between my neck and shoulder, then loudly inhaled me before the sounds of silence engulfed us.

It felt so good to be in his arms again... I felt safe and there was peace.

The short cute giggles of Sapphire erupted as she watched her favorite cartoons in the living room then he pulled his body off mine to stand up straight. He raked his hair backwards with his fingers and I caught a glimpse of his hazel eyes before I quickly looked away...trying not to stare,then he said really lowly, "Is she awake?"

I nodded and a small smile appeared on his lips, "May I see her?"

"Of course..." I stepped aside and he came inside, "You can just drop your bag right here... And follow me."

We went into the living room, where Sapphire was seated on the sky blue rug with her eyes fixed on the big TV screen and a pink plushie pony in her hand.

"Sapphire..." I gently called as I picked her up from the floor and we stood in front of Ian. I was pretty sure she could tell who he was since she was so good at recognizing him in any picture that I showed her.

"Dad-dy..." she said lowly with a stutter at the end as she hugged the plushie, staring at Ian who was currently stunned and happy all at once.

He scoffed in amazement and wiped his palms on his pants... Pretty sure he was feeling nerve wrecked . "She really does have my eyes..."

"Yep... And your sense of humor." I said as I watched his speechless self just staring at her, "Take her."

He slowly placed his hands under her arms making sure to be gentle about it and when he had her... Sapphire wrapped her arms around his neck and he smiled, "Is she always this welcoming?"

"Most of the time..." I smiled at him right before our eyes met and he just stared with an unreadable expression. "Hungry? Thirsty?"

"Just something to drink would be nice."

"Okay..." I whispered as I quickly made my way to the kitchen. I grabbed onto the edge of the kitchen counter and took a breath.

Was Ian really just standing in my living room?

I was failing to believe it but I quickly poured him some orange juice and returned to find him seated on the couch with Sapphire playing with his car keys. I gave him the filled glass and he gulped it once, twice, thrice then it was gone, he placed the glass on the translucent glass coffee table.

"Mommy, look..." she said as she dangled Ian's keys in front of me and I smiled trying to pay her attention... And also a part of me just trying to avoid Ian's eyes.

After a couple hours, Sapphire fell asleep in Ian's arms and I gave him the chance to tuck her in bed before he went to sleep in the guest room down the hall. It was a weird night between the two of us but I was glad he finally met her... Maybe that would've finally let me feel less bad about disappearing with his child but I could tell he still was just a tad angry about it.

He was a pretty good father and Sapphire definitely loved him.

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