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Bonnie's POV

The night in the kitchen with Ian kept on replaying in my head.

-Bonnie, why did you leave me? Do you know how much of a mess I was?-

Ian's voice played in my head with the things he said to me.

-I love you, Bonnie but I can't just pretend like I am not mad at you for just leaving me... And I know that you don't want to talk about it yet and I understand, but just know that when you are ready to talk I'm here. -

I knew what I did seemed rather...unnecessary but I had to protect my daughter. Our daughter.

-I couldn't possibly care how many stretch marks were visible on your body... You're beautiful and you're the sexiest thing I've ever seen walk on this planet. We've worked through your insecurities in high school... Trust me, we can do it again.-

And the way he held me... made me restless for nights. Might be just the fact that I hadn't had sex in a while but I needed his touch again. I needed him.

I slowly walked into the guest room down the hall after a single knock. The lights weren't lit up except for the bedside lamps and the room was warm, polluted with his manly cologne... I really liked the familiar fragrance.

"Are you asleep?" I asked as I stood by the door.

"Halfway there... Are you okay?" Ian asked as he sat up and I slowly shut the door then leaned against it.

"I can't sleep." I simply said and he patted the empty space next to himself on the other side of the bed.

I faced the other side with his body completely pasted on mine and his arm went around my waist before he placed a kiss on my shoulder. "What's going on?"

I sighed, "I'm not sure why but... I just can't seem to stop thinking about you."

"Me too."

We remained silent for a while with my fingers grazing lightly on his hand that was over me. "I'm sorry."

"What?" he asked in a whisper.

"For disappearing on you... It was wrong of me to just leave."

"It's okay..."

No, it wasn't...

"Ian, when I saw how much Sapphire and you get along with each other ... I couldn't help but to feel guilty. I'm really sorry."

"I forgive you and as much as I was angry... I understood you were being protective of our Sapphire." he whispered in my ear. "You were doing the right thing."

"Thank you..."I whispered...

Right after that, the room went dead silent but our thoughts were screaming in our heads making the silence slightly uncomfortable.

"I..." he cleared his throat and I turned around to look at him. His eyes looked deep into mine and as much as the dim lighting in the room failed to clearly highlight his hazel eyes but I had a clear picture of them in my head. He lifted his upper body and held up his weight with his forearm with my eyes following his every movement not wanting to leave his eyes. "I missed you."

I placed my hand on his cheek and gently had the pad of my thumb rub it before I held the back of his neck then pulled him down to my face. After placing a single peck on his lips, I whispered, "I missed you too."

He gave me a small smile before he scooted closer then held my neck in his one hand as he brought our lips back together. His hand around my neck making sure that I only moved in the direction he wanted me to...

Fallen Far From Love And Back(Insecurities book 2)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora