ch 4 part one; Party

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"I have the greatest idea of them all..." Tony grins when they sit down by the table to eat their lunch.
Clint places his tray down in same movement as he sits down.
"Which is?" He asks curiously while Bruce starts eating his food.
Tony smirks.
"Paaartyyyy..." he sings out.
Clint raises an eyebrow.
"I don't want to be the one to take you back down to earth... But why is that the greatest idea of them all? I mean... Party is awesome... But you use to have them when your parents are traveling" Clint shrugs.
Tony giggles.
"Okay... Let me try explaining so you, my stupid friend can understand why this is an awesome idea..."
Clint pouts.
"Thanks for reminding me I'm surrounded of genius while I'm not..." he snorts and crosses his arms.
Tony rolls his eyes.
"Just let me explain..." he begs and clears his throat.
"The idea is awesome since I will get a reason to invite Steve to my place and make a move on him" Tony smiles proud of himself to come up with this idea.
Clint sighs and starts drinking his milk.
"Then you can pick me up with your car and get a reason to pick up Steve when you already are picking up people on the way " he shrugs.
Tony exhales gasping with a smile.
"Never mind you are a freeloader, but that's a great idea... "
Clint grunts.
"Not my fault that I have neither a car or driver license..."
"Yes it is..." Bruce mumbles silently.
Both Tony and Clint jolt as they have'd forgot Bruce was sitting with them.
It isn't often Bruce is talking with them. Or with anyone at all.
Clint snorts.
"Just zip it, banner..."

Tony turns around the second Steve is passing behind him.
"Hey Steve..." Tony shouts after him and stands up from the chair.
Steve stops walking while his friends from art class keeps walking to their table.
"Y-yeah?" Steve starts fidgeting shyly and is staring at Tony's chin since he doesn't dare looking straight into his eyes.
"Clint and I were just talking about a party I will have at Saturday around seven PM... And I want to invite you... Since my friend doesn't have a car I will pick him up and can make an extra stop and pick you up too if you want..." Tony tells him and shrugs in the end as an extra stop wouldn't bothering him at all.
Steve looks asking up into Tony's brown eyes.
"O-okay... Should... Should I take something with me?" Steve asks nervously since he isn't the guy who goes on parties.
In best case he's celebrating a cousin.
But that doesn't count as party since you are eating cake with juice as drink instead for snacks and alcohol as drink.
And instead of being with people around your age, you're talking with your old aunt who only talks about her seven cats.
Tony shakes his head.
"The only thing you need to take with you are; good mood and a smile...I will pick you up at six PM... I think some drinks before the other guests arrive will do us good"
Steve smiles gently and nods.
"Thanks... See you then.." Steve says before he starts walking against the table there his friends are already eating their food.
Tony clenches his fist in victory.
Then he sits snickering down on the chair.
"I hope you heard that Clint... Since I'm going to pick Steve up at six will I get you a quarter to six at this Saturday"
Clint nods.
"Thanks man..." he says before he looks at Bruce.
"Banner, are you going to join?"
Bruce shrugs.
"I don't know... I think I need to keep an eye at home..."
"Oh..." Clint exhales since they all know that; Bruce dad is a shitty parent who assault his family.
"Okay... You can show up anytime when you want... I mean... Since Tony is planning to dump me for Steve, I would need you as company" he grins.
Bruce smiles gently.
"You don't need me there for that... Everyone are literally loving you... You will have more company than you need..."

Clint is struggling with the buttons to his black vest he has outwardly his dark blue shirt.
He isn't using a tie since that would feel too formal for a party there they are supposed to get drunk.
Someone are hitting the honk to its car outside the house there Clint lives.
"HONEY, TONY IS WAITING OUTSIDE...HURRY UP" his mom shouts from downstairs.
"Fuck..." Clint grunts and has to unbutton his vest against since wrong button went into wrong hole.
Tony hits the honk again.
Clint grits his teeth and leaves the house without buttoning the vest.
He opens the door with the seat next Tony.
"Na ah... That's Steve's seat..." Tony tells him.
Clint rolls his eyes and closes the door again and takes the door to the backseat.
He jumps in and closes the door.
Tony looks asking backward at him.
"What took you so long? I told you I would pick you up a quarter to six...And you are like two minutes late..." he asks while Clint puts on the seat belt.
"Start driving or you will be late to your prince..." Clint says instead of answering on Tony's question.
Tony turns back on his seat and starts driving against Steve's place.
"I wonder if Steve has dressed him up for my sake..." he mumbles.
"Yeah sure... He has probably putted on his cutest underpants in case you are about to fuck at the party..." Clint answers sarcastic even though he knows Tony wasn't talking with him and expecting an answer.
Tony jolts.
"You think? Perhaps my choice of clothes wasn't the right choice..." he asks since he have'd chosen to take on black ripped jeans and a t-shirt with a rock band printed on the front.
"Maybe I should change clothes..." he mutters silently.
Clint smiles and leans backward on the seat.
"Neh... You look great... If I weren't together with the most awesome girlfriend I would gladly date you..." he jokes laughing.
Tony raises an eyebrow.
"No thanks... I don't need a freeloader as boyfriend"
Clint grins.
"Beside... Steve likes you... You can dress in whatever you want and he would still like you..." he shrugs.
"Which means... You're suggesting I should change clothes?" He snorts.
Clint wides his eyes.
"No...I mean..." he starts saying when Tony suddenly stops the car and Steve opens the door to the front seat.
"Hi... Thanks for picking me up..." Steve says while he jumps in.
Tony smiles sheepishly against him.
"No problem...If we are late you can blame Clint... He was late..."he says while Steve closes the door and takes on the seat belt.
Clint exhales grunting.
"Like two minutes... No big deal..."
Steve smiles nervously.
"It's fine... I haven't been waiting a long time... However Clint... Won't your girlfriend show up tonight? Or she takes her own car?" Steve asks curiously and looks backwards at Clint while Tony is driving them to his own house.
"Nope... She has two younger siblings to take care of...She hasn't time for parties..." he shrugs and smiles a bit proudly of having a mature girlfriend.
But sometimes he wishes they could be as other teens.
Seeing a movie at the cinema at Fridays and then; party at Saturdays until they are too drunk to keep going.
"Oh..." Steve exhales surprised.
" I never thought she have'd to take responsibility of her own family at her age... I thought she was partying and was enjoying herself since she is a cheerleader..."
Clint shakes his head.
"Nope... Natasha isn't like that... She is more like a woman than those girls at our school are..."
Tony smirks.
"Yeah... Clint needs a woman to babysit him since he is such a kid..." Tony jokes.
Steve snickers.
Clint snorts.
"Oh how funny you are..." Clint rolls his eyes.
"Let me laugh...ha..ha..."

They walk into the living room and sit down on the couch.
Then they opens beers and start drinking.
Tony opens a beer and hands it over to Steve who seems uncomfortable of the situation.
"Here..." he says and is eyeing Steve's light blue shirt and black jeans.
The shirt isn't completely buttoned and Tony sees a white t-shirt below.
"Thanks..." Steve mumbles and takes the beer with a bit fumbling hand.
Tony tries moving closer to Steve without being too obvious.
Then he is close enough he places an arm on the couch behind Steve.
If Steve is leaning backward will his neck and shoulders touch Tony's arm.
"How many people will show up?" Steve asks to have something to talk about.
Tony takes a sip of his own beer.
"I don't know...Probably thirty to fifty people ... It's not like I'm counting how many are showing up..." he shrugs and takes more sips of the beer.
Steve wides his eyes surprised.
"Wow... That's many..." he says and starts drinking faster since he starts getting really nervous.
Clint places a leg over the other leg's thigh and leans against the armrest.
"When will the pizza arrive by the way?..." he asks curiously and takes big sips of his beer, planning to get really drunk this evening.
"Around eight PM... There are a risk people won't arrive until that time anyway..." Tony answers.
Steve raises an eyebrow.
"Why not? You have'd invited them to seven PM not eight o'clock..." Steve asks and doesn't understand why Tony's guests would be rude and not show up in time.
Tony smiles at him.
"Well... Seven is pretty early for a party... People are probably at other parties right now and starts warming up for my party"
Steve gives him a confused look.
"Sound weird..."
Tony chuckles.
" Yeah maybe... But that's how parties work in our age"

The people started arriving around half past seven and the music started playing loudly in the big mansion.
Clint, Steve and Tony are playing beer pong with Thor and his one years younger brother; Loki.
Steve and Tony are taking turns since Steve at first didn't wanted to join the game.
Usually are you playing two against two, but the other team agreed on Tony and Steve takes turns since Thor is in the football team at school.
Which gives him advantage since he is great at sport.
Steve tries aiming the other team's cups and throws the ball against them.
The small boy jumps happily when the ball gets into one of the cups.
"I DID IT" he shouts happily.
Loki grabs the red cup the ball landed in and takes out the ball before he starts drinking the beer.
Tony runs an arm around Steve's shoulders.
"I knew you could do it " he smiles and clings onto Steve.
Loki is looking fascinated at them while he drinks the beer.
"My turn..." Loki says when he has finished the beer.
"Tony..." Loki suddenly says and gets Tony's attention.
" what about a betting game for fun?" He giggles.
Tony tilts his head.
Loki smirks.
"If the ball gets into the second cup in row three from my left, will I be your date for the rest of the night..."
The people who are playing the game gasp shocked.
Loki giggles and pulls some black strands behind his pierced ear with black tunnel in his earlobe and three rings in row higher up on his ear.
"Oh? Or you are chicken out?"
Tony snorts.
"Okay... But if you miss, you are the one who will drink another cup with beer..."
Steve wides his eyes and can't understand how Tony is alright with betting himself as he does right now.
"Deal..." Loki agrees and starts aiming.
Tony takes his arm off Steve and looks asking at Loki.
He remembers how he just a few month ago tried asking Loki out but got rejected.
So, why does Loki want to be his date tonight?
Thor sighs and shakes his head.
The only chance his little brother wanted to be Tony's date this evening is only to messing with Tony and Steve for fun.
Loki grins and throws the ping-pong ball with a gracefully throw against the cups at the other side of the table.
Steve holds his breath and is watching nervously the ball's movements...

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