ch 5; the fight over a hickey

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A short chapter about the morning after the party x'D

Clint grunts while he walks down through the stairs.
He isn't looking forward to help Tony with cleaning the house.
His body is feeling pretty heavy and he isn't feeling completely sober yet.
"Maybe I should sneak away before Tony wakes up...He is rich... Can't he pay someone to..." he mumbles and jolts when he sees movements in the living room.
Bruce is walking around in the living room with a big black plastic bag in his hand while he picks up red plastic cups and throws them into the bag.
Clint inhales deeply and smiles gratefully.
"Ooooh! Bruce man...You are really a hero!" Clint shouts with his arms spread above his head while he walks into the living room.
Clint feels how he almost could cry of happiness.
Bruce stands upright with a smile.
"Of course... I know how lazy you" Bruce starts saying when he stops talking since he noticed something on Clint's throat.
The hickey Loki left without Clint's knowledge.
Clint tilts his head confused and takes his arms down.
"Bruce? What's up man?"
Bruce's eyes narrow of anger while he stares at the hickey.
Clint walks closer to Bruce.
"Come on man...What happens?" Clint asks and starts chuckling nervously.
Suddenly Bruce's fist hits his face.
Clint stumbles grunting backward.
His nose starts aching and it feels as he is about to get nosebleed.
"WHAT THE FUCK MAN!" he shouts and caress his nose with his fingers.
Bruce drops the plastic bag and moves quickly against Clint while he starts aiming another hard punch at Clint's cheek.
Clint wides his eyes and gasps.
Then he walks back while he tries defending himself by stopping Bruce's punches.

"Ouch..." Clint grunts when one of Bruce's punches hits the side of his chin.
The blond boy stares angrily at his friend and starts aiming his first attack back at his friend.
"I hate you..." Bruce mumbles while they are fighting.
"WHY!" Clint shouts asking and punches Bruce on his left shoulder.
Bruce stumbles backward but is soon back on track with hitting Clint.

Tony and Steve are walking downstairs when they suddenly hears the other two's fight.
Steve looks pretty pale and doesn't want to be a part of the fight.
Tony looks at him.
"You stays here... I will see what's going on..."
Steve nods.
"Be careful..." he begs with squeaking voice.
"I will..." Tony smiles gently and walks down.

Bruce grabs Clint's collar and stares angrily into his eyes.
"HOW COULD YOU!... NATASHA IS PERFECT AND YOU ARE CHEATING..."Bruce spits out and grits his teeth angrily.
Clint raises an asking eyebrow.
"Cheating?" He blinks confused and doesn't understands what Bruce is talking about.
Clint hasn't been a dick and walked behind Nat's back.
"DON'T DENY IT! YOU HAVE PROOF ON YOUR THROAT...THE WHORE LEFT A HICKEY ON YOU..." Bruce yells and seems as he wants to kill both Clint and the one who left the hickey.
Clint gasps.
Does he has a hickey on his body?
He can honestly not remembering the last part of the party yesterday.
Did he really had sex with someone yesterday?
Clint starts shaking his head slowly.
Bruce flinches and holds Clint's collar harder.
"YOU LIES!" he shouts and is about to punches Clint's face one more time.
Clint closes his eyes.
"CALM DOWN BRUCE!" Tony shouts and grabs Bruce's fist before it hits Clint.
Clint gasps and opens his eyes and looks asking at Tony.
Bruce jolts and looks surprised at Tony too.
"Don't interfere Tony... The asshole deserves it... He's had harmed Nat...He has a hickey and he tries denying his crime..." Bruce tells him.
Tony raises an eyebrow and glances at Clint there little blood is running in the corner of his lips.
His eyes reaches the hickey on the side of Clint's throat.
Tony looks determined into Bruce eyes and sighs.
"Calm down... We were a group of guys who played truth and dares there someone dared me to give Clint a hickey..." Tony lies.
Bruce looks surprised over the information and is looking both ashamed and not convinced.
The anger who just was in his eyes and written over his face, is disappearing and Bruce sighs exhausted.
Bruce drops the grip of Clint's collar and when Tony feels the strength in Bruce fist is disappearing, he grins.
"Someone who want pancakes?!" Tony asks and let's go off Bruce hand.


The four of them are munching on pancakes in silence.
Steve looks like he wants to excuse himself and leave.
Tony looks between Bruce and Clint.
"Someone who want to say something?" Tony asks grinning.
Bruce stares down on his plate with half eaten pancakes with sugar onto them.
"Sorry..." he mumbles silently.
Tony smirks and looks happily at him.
"What did you" Tony asks with his hand behind his ear and leans closer to Bruce.
Bruce snorts and start muttering something.
"I'm sorry Clint..." he apologies louder than earlier and glances shortly at Clint before he looks back down on the pancakes.
"I'm fine man..." Clint nods even though he isn't looking fine. He will probably get many ugly bruises over his face.
He has already many yellow pink spots here and there.
" Great!" Tony claps his hands.
"Now that is over and we can focus on something more funny" he adds chuckling.
Clint swallows hardly.
Did Tony told the truth? Or... Was Clint the dickhead Bruce said he was. Did he have'd sex with someone while he was drunk?
He is sure Loki tried making him to dump Natasha for him. But... He turned him down, right?
Or did he had sex with him?
Maybe it wasn't Loki at all. Perhaps he hooked up with the hot chick from the cheerleaders, the blond girl named Sarah?
Clint starts fidgeting nervously.
Not sure what he has done or not.
Like Tony, Clint is kind of a playboy.
Walking from one person to another without telling the first one it's over. Or explaining they have never been a thing in first place.
What if...What if he was the douchebag and did something awful against Nat? Treating her like the others before her?

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