part two

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Clint starts getting really drunk.
He is almost finished with the beer he holds when he spots Thor with some of his friends from the football team.
Clint is wiggling against the big hunk who is one of the few students who already have'd started growing beard. Or more correctly, one of the few who can grow beard right now.
"Hey Thor...Where are your brother?" Clint grins and can't believe Loki isn't snaking around Thor as he used to do.
Thor shrugs.
"I think he wanted to refill his glass out in the kitchen..." Thor answers.
Clint nods.
" Ah... Thanks man..." he says before he starts stumbling out to the kitchen.
It's not like he wanted to say anything or being around Loki.
He was just curious why Loki wasn't around Thor as he used to.
And Clint thought he could take his chance and walk out to the kitchen and take another pizza slice. Well, if there are any left.

Loki is making a drink to himself when Clint enters the kitchen.
The black haired boy with hair down to his collarbone is smiling softly against Clint.
"What do we have here... Isn't it Clint Barton? The one who is dating my brother's ex " Loki grins and takes a sip of his drink he just had mixed. Rum with Coca-Cola.
Clint snorts and walks to the kitchen island there many Pizza boxes are placed in a mess.
"And what did I found?... Thor's little brother who tried snatching Tony but failed?" Clint answers back while he opens some pizza boxes.
Clint exhales happily when he found a pizza slice.
He picks the cold triangle and starts eating it while he turns against Loki who grins.
"Do you want to hear a secret?" Loki asks.
Clint shrugs.
"Do I want to hear it from you? The one who thinks lies are the truth?"
Loki rolls his eyes and put away his glass on the kitchen countertop there bottles with alcohol stand.
Then the slender boy walks against Clint and runs his arms around his throat.
Clint's heart starts pounding louder.
"What?..." he starts asking surprised.
Loki smirks.
"I give a shit to Tony... He is boring...But you... You are funny..." Loki purrs and leans his head on Clint's shoulder.
Clint wides his eyes while his dick jerks.
Pictures of Natasha and her siblings start suddenly passing by in his mind. Reminding him; his responsibility as boyfriend.
If his girlfriend had been someone else, he wouldn't give a shit. But Natasha is something more.
She doesn't deserve getting stomped on.
The sweet girl who alone has to take care of her siblings, deserve getting treated well.
"No..." he mumbles and tries pushing Loki away with the free hand.
With the hand who isn't holding pizza.
Loki walks backward with an asking look.
"No?..." he asks and raises a thin eyebrow.
Clint gulps.
Loki is really beautiful, if he didn't have'd a girlfriend, he would love to fuck Loki.
Clint inhales deeply.
"I... I have a beautiful and mature girlfriend... I would be a fool to dump her..."
Loki bursts out in a short and sharply laughter.
"Yeah...Mature as boooooring..." Loki grins.
Clint shakes his head and is about to leave the kitchen with his pizza slice.
But he isn't getting anywhere when Loki suddenly embraces him from behind.
Clint's heart skip a beat while he groans silently of getting the beautiful young man clinging on him.
"You know..." Loki starts saying with silky voice.
" My brother was together with her about a year... And he never got to fuck her ... That was one of the reasons he dumped her...That and, that she wasn't able to go out on dates... Boring huh?...So...I have a suggestion..."Loki says and starts rubbing himself against Clint's back while his hands start stroking at Clint's chest.
Clint gulps nervously and feels how his jerks more of the attention.
"Dump her...And be with me... I promise you will get a lot sex with me...And funny nights in the city..." he adds purring.
Clint opens his mouth to answer, but he isn't sure what to say.
Loki has a point.
If he won't get sex with Natasha at all, doesn't he sees any point being together with her in first place.
But... He can't take the risk of not being able to see Wanda and Pietro anymore.
Even though he hasn't known them long, he don't want to end their growing friendship.
Plus, he actually loves Nat.
Then, even if he dumps Natasha, does he really want to be with Loki?
Aren't there a risk that, they will affect each other negatively?
"Take your hands off me..." Clint says determined.
Loki jolts and takes his arms off Clint.
Then he snorts.
"Okay... Maybe you need some more time before you understand how frustrating Sex-less life are..." he shrugs.
"You know where you can find me" Loki adds smirking before he walks back to the countertop there he left his drink.
Clint sighs and walks out from the kitchen without saying anything.

Clint is taking the stairs up to second floor.
He feels how he needs some rest.
The alcohol is making him almost seasick and he needs to lay down.
He walks to Tony's bedroom there a tie is tied around the door handle.
Clint isn't noticing the tie and opens the door.
"Shit..." Someone from the bed shouts and tries cover himself with the blue blanket.
Clint looks curiously against the bed and gasps when he sees Tony and Steve, naked in the bed.
"It's just Clint..." Tony mumbles relieved.
Clint wides his eyes.
Tony shakes his head and looks both pissed and proud of being disturbed and revealed of his friend.
"What the fuck Clint... Didn't you saw the tie?...Leave us alone...Okay?"
Clint eyes looks curiously at Steve who is blushing and is almost covering the whole him with the blanket.
"Sorry..." Clint says and turns around to walk out again.

He sighs deeply and tries find another bed to crash on.
There are two people in one of the guestroom, making out. At least they have'd their clothes on.
Clint sighs and waves against the door.
"Get out..." he begs.
The girl and the man with football sport jacket sighs before they stand up from the bed and walk out.
"Not cool dude..." the blond man mumbles while he is passing Clint, following the red haired girl out from the room.
"Sorry..." Clint mumbles back and closes the door after them.
He sighs relieved of at last being alone.
His steps walks quickly over to the bed there his body falls heavily onto the bed with his stomach down.
Clint grunts and turns around on his back.
"Fuck..." he mumbles when he remembered he forgot to turn the light off.
"Never mind..." he decides since he is too drunk to even care.
The ceiling starts moving around there the light starts to double.
Clint grunts loudly and closes his eyes.
It feels as he is on a boat there the waves are rocking the ship.
He starts laughing out of nowhere.
"Crap-..." he exhales smiling and opens his eyes.
"I'm really drunk..." He comments and closes his eyes and starts to drifting away into sleep.

The door opens to there Clint is sleeping.
The slender man with black hair down to his collarbone enters the guestroom with a mischievous smirk played on his cute face.
Loki walks closer to the asleep Clint.
"Perfect..." he purrs.
Then he pulls some strands of hair behinds his pierced ears.
Loki leans closer to Clint's throat there he starts sucking on the side of his throat.
Clint grunts in the sleep and makes a grimace but isn't waking up.
"What are you doing?" A deep voice asks from the door.
Loki jolts and looks asking against the door there his one year older brother stands.
The slender man snickers.
"Oh it's my dear brother who butt in there he shouldn't..." Loki sighs and walk closer against Thor who crosses his arms snorting.
"Haven't my little brother learned it isn't alright with harassing someone? Especially when they are asleep and can't give you their consent?"
Loki shrugs.
"I'm not harassing him... I'm just playing a game with him... It's just an innocent game, my deeeaaar brother..." Loki tells him and starts caressing Thor's cheek.
Thor exhales sighing and grabs Loki's hand and pulls it away from his face.
"Nothing are innocent when it comes to you, Loki..." Thor says and looks sadly at his half-brother.
Brothers through same father but not same mother.
Loki grins widely.
"Maybe not... But... Tell someone what I have'd done...And I will tell everyone who you are fucking at nights when you haven't found a fling lately " Loki warns him.
Thor looks hurted at him and drops the grip of Loki's hand.
"You need help..." Thor exhales.
Loki grins and starts walking out from the room.
" Well... I wouldn't needed help in first place if it wasn't because of my so called family..." he says while he walks out from the bedroom.
Thor shoots a glance at Clint who keeps sleeping, unknown of his hickey.
The large hunk sighs and walks out from the bedroom there he closes the door after him...

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