ch 1; Clint's first time at her place

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Clint is following silently and nervously after Natasha when she is taking the stairs up to her apartment.
He has never been at her place since she doesn't want to take home whoever.
She has two younger siblings she is taking care of. And she doesn't want to risk someone will hurt them.
The nervous boy at sixteen years old swallows nervously.
Sometimes it feels as Natasha is much  older than him, even though they are in same age. Which make him really nervous.
He is used to be the goofy teenager who goes at party, getting drunk and sometimes smoke weed.
He even crashed his dad's new car two month ago.
...Shortly after he'd lost his driver license since he'd passed red light and was real drunk.
Guess who, who couldn't sit days after the car crashed?!
And no, it wasn't the crash who harmed him. It was just his dad who was really angry and learned him a lesson.
But that beating was worth it when everyone at school talked about Clint's adventure with stealing his dad's car and crashing it.
Clint couldn't stop grinning proudly when the students said how cool he is.

Natasha stops by a door to the right side at third floor.
She starts looking after the key in her black shoulder bag.
Clint stops walking and stands at the stair while he with pounding heart is waiting for her to opening the door.
She finds the key and opens the door.
"Welcome home to my place..." Natasha smiles nervously against him. She pulls some red strands behind her ear.
Clint is eyeing her movements and can't stop thinking how disappointed he is. He loved her long beautiful red hair. How the hair almost was down to her hips.
Sadly she cut the hair about a week ago. And the hair is only shoulder long now.
Clint nods.
They walk into the apartment there Natasha dumps her bag in the small hallway with an ugly rectangular carpet in many colors along the hallway.
"Hello?!" Natasha shouts asking while she bends down a bit to take off her boots.
Clint grins sheepishly when she does that since her sweet ass points tempting against him.
That backside is just some few centrimeter from his dick.
He chuckles a little pervert and feels how his penis jerks.
"Nat is home..." a girl shouts from inside the apartment.
"Eh?" Clint throws out from his fantasies and he blinks confused when an eight years old girl with long red hair, runs to the hallway.
The girl in pink dress and diadem throws herself into Natasha's arms.
"Wanda! I have really missed you... Did you have a good day at school?" Natasha asks and embraces her little sister.
"Yeah... I dropped my tooth at school..." Wanda tells Natasha and opens her mouth, with her finger pointing there the missing tooth isn't anymore.
Natasha gazes into her mouth and nods.
"Great! Where is the tooth?"
"Under my pillow" she answers giggling.
Then Wanda is looking asking at Clint while her twin brother walks slowly out to the hallway with his Gameboy in his hands.
"Hi Nat..I'm hungry-..."pietro mumbles with his eyes glued at the screen there he plays Pokémon yellow.
"Who is he?!" Wanda asks at the same time Pietro told he is hungry. She points asking at Clint who blushes a little from his dirty fantasy of Natasha's ass.
"Is he your boyfriend?" Wanda adds and lower her finger.
Natasha smiles gently.
"Yes... Clint is my boyfriend..."
Wanda wides her eyes and they seems sparkling of excitement.
"Oooohhh-..." Wanda makes some teasing sounds.
"Natasha has a boyfriend..." she grins.
"Nat and Clint sitting in a tree...And are K...I...S...S-..." Wanda keeps teasing until Natasha cover her mouth with her hand and muffled the last letters.
Natasha shushes her while Clint is blushing completely.
Pietro raises an eyebrow and looks up from the screen and is eyeing their guest.
The small boy with brown hair wides his eyes and exhales gasping.
Clint tilts his head asking when he sees Pietro is looking fascinating at him.
"Hi..." Clint greets with his hand waving against the little boy.
Pietro pulls away his gaze and looks determined down at the screen while he starts blushing a bit.
Clint raises an asking brow and lower his hand confused.
Natasha takes away her hand from Wanda's mouth and gives her a serious look.
"So...You guys are hungry?" Natasha asks her siblings.
"Yeah-..." Pietro mumbles while Wanda nods.
Natasha hums thoughtfully.
"What about pancakes?" She suggests.
Wanda throws her arms up and moves quickly against the kitchen.
"Paaaaaancaaaaaakeeeeesss!!!" She shouts excited and disappears around the corner.
Pietro starts following her with his eyes on the Gameboy.
Natasha snickers and starts walking into the apartment against the kitchen there the twins already sit by the table.
The red haired young woman turns around and looks at Clint.
"Take off your shoes and come in... Or my siblings have already scared you away?" She smirks with her painted lips with red lipstick.
Clint flinchs and starts taking off his white Adidas sneakers and put down his backpack on the floor next Natasha's shoulder bag.
Then he walks into the kitchen there Natasha starts collecting the ingredients to making pancakes.
Wanda pulls out the chair next her.
"You can sit here..." she tells Clint.
"Huh? Me?" Clint asks and points asking at himself.
Wanda nods.
Clint glances shyly against Natasha who has her back against them.
Then he walks to the chair Wanda wants him to sit at.
He takes the seat and stares shyly at the edge of the wooden table nearest him.
He isn't noticing how Pietro sometimes is glancing at him from across the table.

Wanda is babbling much and can't sit still.
Clint is fidgeting nervously and jolts blushing when Wanda of mistake touches him.
He glances asking at Natasha to make sure she hasn't seen them.
Not like there is anything to see.
But he is afraid she will misunderstand him.
The last thing he needs is getting mistaken as perverse.
Lucky him she isn't paying much attention at them while she bakes the pancakes.

"Here you are..." Natasha smiles and places down the plate with a tower of pancakes in the middle on the table.
Pietro reaches out his hand while his eyes are staring at the screen.
"No Gameboy by the table...You know that Pietro" Natasha scolds him.
Pietro wince and looks asking up at Natasha who still stands up by the side of the table.
Natasha raises an asking eyebrow with her eyes set on the boy.
Pietro sighs.
"Okay... I will just save the game..." he mumbles and starts saving the game before he takes pancakes.
Wanda looks asking at Clint.
"Clint-..." she starts saying with her plate with pancake in her hands.
Clint jolts and looks asking at the little girl.
"Can you help me with sugar?" She begs.
The light haired brunette is looking a bit confused around on the table.
"O-okay..." he answers nervously and grabs the sugar and starts pouring white small diamonds of sugar on Wanda's pancake.
He tries spreading the sugar as much he can on the pancake.
"Too much..." Wanda at last tells him.
Clint jolts and tilts up the sugar and leaves some more sparkling diamonds of sugar on the pancake before the sugar stops pouring.
"Sorry..." he mumbles.
Wanda smiles gently at him.
"It's okay... I will still get money for my teeth even if they have holes..."
Clint gives her a crooked smile.
"O-okay... Thank?"
Natasha chuckles while she sits down next Pietro.
"Wanda... Just eat your pancake and leave my boyfriend alone for a moment... We don't want to scare him away, right?"
Wanda inhales deeply and starts eating her pancake in hurry as she tries saying by that gesture that; she doesn't want to bother Clint and scare him away.
Natasha smiles gently at her and then at Clint.
"You can take pancakes as well..." she tells Clint.
"Thanks..." Clint blushes and starts taking pancakes.


Since Wanda and Natasha are doing the dishes is Clint standing asking in the kitchen while Pietro had walked away after the meal.
The girls are chatting about some randomly things as; friends, school, Disney princesses ect.
  Clint is shifting weight from foot to foot. Feeling as the third wheel.
Then he decides to walk out from the kitchen and see what Pietro is doing.

He finds the boy sitting in the wardrobe there the wardrobe is built in the wall. There the doors are looking as almost regular wall.
Clint sits down on his butt next the boy outside the wardrobe.
"Hi..." he greets again and make the boy to inhales sharply and looking terrified at him.
"Hi..." Pietro mumbles shyly.
Clint smiles and tries see what Pietro is playing.
"What are you playing?"
Pietro looks asking at him and then at the screen.
"Pokémon..." he shrugs.
Clint gasps smiling and moves closer to the boy.
"Oh?! Which one? Green...Blue-.."
"Yellow..." Pietro interrupts.
Clint nods.
" Ah... It's the game huh? There you start with a Pikachu and then end up with getting all starter Pokémon, right?"
Pietro looks surprised at Clint.
"Yeah? How do you know that?"
Clint grins.
"I and my friends plays those games... I have Pokémon red by the way"
Pietro inhales gasping while he wides his eyes excited.
"You do?!" He asks and shifts a little against Clint.
Clint nods.
"Yup" he says and gets a little nervous and happy of Pietro moving closer to him.
"Can-...Can you take your game with you next time you visit us?" Pietro asks and is eyeing Clint's face.
Clint swallows.
"Okay..." he says and feels grateful that, the kids are approving him...

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