Chapter 6

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Fine,” he whispers. “What do you want to know?”


“I know just what will cheer you up, and you know you're going to need the target practice.”

“What's that?”


She smiles a little bit. “You think you can beat me this time, Uri?”

He smirks. “Consider yourself served, Short Stuff. I'll call Christina, and maybe Will and Fernando can come too.”

“Sounds good.”

“Hey, you can't be on the same team as both of them.”

“Why not?!” She asks.

“Because I’m not trying to get my ass handed to me!”

“Fine. How about you be team captain this time? That way you can pick me.”

“Well, you know what they say. If you can't beat 'em, join em.”

She laughs. “Okay, Uri. We'll see about you being on my team this time.”

He pulls his cellphone out and his thumbs move so fasts she is sure they will catch fire.

Within moments, his phone begins to vibrate. “Christina... Matt... Marlene... Amar...” He waits for a second, and sure enough, his phone vibrates again. “Lauren, Shauna, Bud.” He waits again. “Will and Fernando are in.” He grins. “Looks like the gang's all going to be there.”

She grins. “Let's do this.”


When they arrive in the paintball arena, they suit up quickly and group together to decide teams. “Okay. Who are our team captains?”

Tris doesn't raise her hand or even draw attention to herself, but ten pairs of eyes turn to her, some confused, but most expectant. “What?” she mutters. “You don't actually think I want to be captain, do you?”

Uriah grins. “Just say yes, Short Stuff.”

She fires her paintball gun at his foot. “I got your Short Stuff—”

“Ow! Alright, alright! Uncle! Jesus.”

She smirks a little bit. “That's what you get,” she grins. “And if I’m captain, I pick first.”

“Okay, who else?”

There's some bickering and good-natured jostling, but then Will finally is elected team captain. He selects Amar.

Tris taps her chin. “Chris.”





“Fucking yes!” he shouts, and Tris laughs as he joins her team. “Boo-yah! You all are going down.”

Will just grins. “We'll see about that,” he says. “Marlene, please join me.”

She grins and skips toward him. Tris smiles at her. She's younger than the rest, only twenty two, but she might as well be twelve sometimes, she seems so childlike. She has long, dark hair with dyed silver and hot pink streaks. The younger girl is always full of laughter and jokes, and she likes having the girl with them on their games. She kept things friendly. Also, Uriah is desperately in love with her, but will never say anything about it. Without knowing it, she keeps him honest.

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