Chapter 25

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"I still think we should call Will."

"We'll be fine, Short Stuff."

Tris snuggles between Four and Zeke and tries to feel safe.

It doesn't work.


Fernando's wife is absolutely beautiful to him. His favorite quirk about her is the way she eats. He's watching her now, the way she chews and swallows, the way her delight at the delicious meal and lemonade show in the smile on her red-stained lips and glittering hazel eyes. He didn't think there was such a thing as a sensual eater until he met her. But then, he was just in love with everything about her from the very start.

Yeah he gripes about being a trophy husband, and being whipped and all of that, but the truth is he'd do anything for this girl... his wife. Holy fuck, it still feels like a miracle every time he thinks about it.

He'd seen his own parents fall apart because of lack of caring, respect, and attention that turned into a lack of love. So, he vowed that when he found her, he'd never stop giving the woman of his dreams everything she deserved... especially a girl as extraordinary as the one he ended up marrying. So when he knew he was in love with her,which was almost instantly, he romanced the heck out of her. He pulled out all the stops, spared no expense. He learned her tastes, her dislikes, her favorite things, and every chance he could, he made sure she knew that she was loved. When they got back from their honeymoon, he knew she kind of expected things to die down... but he didn't stop.

He still shows her off to everyone he knows, takes her to the hottest clubs and restaurants, although they don't go out as often as they used to. He gets her her favorite candy on the way home from work, enjoys the fuck out of all her sexy lingerie sets, eats everything she cooks even if he hates it. He still opens the fucking car door for her, and any other door, and pulls out her chair even when they're at home and nobody's watching him for chivalry points, and he always makes sure to make sure she knows he thinks she looks awesome when she gets dressed. If that sounds like hard work, well... it is. But he doesn't care.

The funny thing is, the more he does all that stupid shit for her, the more he finds himself caring about her and loving her. And the more she eats it up, too. So far his vow is working for him, even if he is completely whipped.

She is everything to him. And today, on their anniversary, she has a gift for him. "I have something important to tell you," she says to him.

He nods and stands, kissing her gently. Man, kissing her is his favorite part of the day.

They clear their plates away and settle in their bedroom. He smiles at her, brushing her cheeks with his lips and sliding his hands down hersides, resting them on the curve of her ass. She bites her lip alittle, and he brings them up to her waist again. She wants to talk first, or else she wouldn't have bit her lip like that. He wonders what's going on.

She sits down on the edge of the bed, her deep purple dress climbing high on her thigh, exposing her soft skin.

Holy fuck.

She arches an eyebrow as his eyes bug out of his head, and he sits... but he puts his hand on her bare thigh. These days, she pounces on him practically every day. He doesn't really know why, but it's not like he minds the change of pace. He's a guy after all, and when she's hot for him, he goes with it.

The problem is, now he's got a one-track mind when it comes to her. After the past few weeks, seeing her in his mind always equates to the best sex he's had to date. Two days ago, she had a black lace set with garters and fucking leather boots, for crying out loud. What was he supposed to do pray? Well maybe, but only in sheer thanks to God and the Virgin for the creation of this woman and the invention of leather. And maybe while he was at it, he might have had to confess to the nearest priest that all sorts of sexual mayhem was happening in his home now...

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