PSA ‼️The End is Nowhere Near Here.

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Hi, Wattpad soul-family 🤗

I've been meaning to write this message for a while... Now, before you go jumping to conclusions--no--this letter will not be as solemn as its beginning lol.

I feel as if you all, just as my characters do, hold a very special place in my heart. Some of you have been here since the beginning, and others have just recently connected. Yet, I feel closer to you all than I do with most people in my life. You've ventured into a very sacred part of my being, you've met my characters, you've gotten to know them, you've explored their worlds. Most importantly, you've discovered aspects of yourselves hidden within them.

A little backstory: In 2018, my senior year of high school, I channeled Alaina upon an epiphany that all the New adult/Young adult Romance novels I'd grown up reading only wore one face, only depicted one corner of the earth; and that those lucky enough to break into mainstream always included mix-raced couples or stereotypical depictions of People of Color.

As a fun-loving girl with a warrior's heart, it dawned on me that...

Black Love deserves to be seen, from all angles.

Black Love deserves to be heard, in all pitches.

Black Love deserves to be felt, in every possible way.

I want to get our stories out there, unfiltered. And I not only want to find them in the Urban section of the bookstore but in the Romance section. I mean, what the heck, Love comes in all different shapes, sizes, and colors. Separation doesn't exist in that realm. (I'm getting riled up just thinking about it--ugh)

But back to the topic at hand, I'm aware I've made promises. I promised to post the remaining chapters of Benevolence even though they no longer align with the new script. However, here's why I won't:

1. The last few chapters of Benevolence are very special. That being said, I would be going against myself if I were to post a half-assed version of it.

2. You all deserve to read honest work. I want to ensure you're just as emersed in the portals I open, as I am.

3. I'm currently polishing the manuscript that will be sent out to agents. So, revisiting the old version won't do me any justice--for now 😩.

4. Once complete, I plan on posting the polished version here on Wattpad for a limited amount of time. It will stay up until it's sent out. That goes to say, all of you will get to read the exclusive "first draft" of Benevolence, before any outside editorial interference/tweaking.

5. No worries, this version is staying up. You can read and reread and build patience right alongside me 😭

I've spent years recording Alaina's story, trying to make it as clear and vivid for all who seek it. In the process, I locked myself in the writer's closet (if you know what I mean). Now, I'm ready to come out of it. If you feel called to take this journey with me, I encourage you all to follow me on my Instagram @chercava.narine, where I will be creating highlights for Benevolence's Publishing/Evolution journey. When/if you do, shoot me a dm so that I can follow you back. I'll create a cute little group chat for us lol. We can talk about everything Romance+, and support each other in our creative endeavors. It will not only serve as beneficial to me because I love connecting with my readers, but it will also serve as beneficial to all my fellow writers/artists who also wish to share their hearts with the world.

On that note, where are you all from?! Let's connect!

--Afisha 🤗

P.S. Fear and doubt are merely distractions. There is tremendous strength in vulnerability. Cultivate your gift/s. Trust that someone out there is seeking it. The time is now. I love you. 🌺🤍

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2021 ⏰

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