(4) - Sometimes, School!AU is Number One

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(A/N: This one is school!AU and yeah... Actually if you guys read/watch Gintama, you'll realize my fics are actually Gintama-ish even if it's just a super tiny little hint. So, Gintama is my number one above HxH which is my number 2. And I got this obsession with both but mainly Gintama. Yeah... something like that... Anyway, here's chapter 4...)


A girl's yell containing this school's coolest, most handsome, and most popular boy's name was heard clearly on the hallway. Students were feeling obvious of the owner of that voice. Who else but you, the only girl who was one of Killua-sama's (according to his 100+ fangirls) four best friends aside from Gon, Kurapika, and even, Leorio-sensei.

You stormed at top speed all the way to the end of the hallway, moving towards a crowd of girls in front of a door. Obviously they were the silver-haired stupid bastard's fangirls. It was your club room door. Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and your club room, the Hunter Club. You didn't even understand why it called Hunter Club. But you knew one thing, this school was called the Hunter-high. Was that related? Dunno.

When you got nearer to the crowd, you realized some of the girls were Kurapika's and Gon's fangirls. Sure, Kurapika also got a cool and handsome face too like Killua. Plus, he was the smartest, always number 1 scorer in the rank board. And Gon was simply cute and innocent. Gon was also the baseball team's ace. All factors also promising for fangirling activities.

Your arrival at the door's front made an automatic space open for you by the girls. Well, those girls knew really well who the school's strongest girl anyway. Yeah, you were the one. As you opened the door, four males came into view. The oldest, a man with black hair and his trademark, teashade sunglasses, with formal teacher attire were sitting on the sofa with a blond male students. Both were watching the TV peacefully.

On the table, two boys, the one with pale skin, silver messy hair, and blue orbs with his friend, an always happy-looking spiked black hair boy, were busy with their afternoon cheese cakes and teas. Meaning that every club members were complete that time.

"KILLUA YOU BASTARD!!!" You said repeating your first dialogue in this fic.

"Che, [NAME]! YOU SAID THAT ON THE FIRST DIALOGUE IN THIS FIC. DON'T REPEAT IT! AND PIPE DOWN WILL YA'!" Killua yelled at you with an irked mark. Pissed by you who destroyed his peace snack time.

"But Killua, You are louder." added Gon calmly.

Looking back to the noisy table from the sofa were Leorio and Kurapika.

"Looks like they are at it again..." said the blond.

"Yup. I'm too tired to keep them calm again." Leorio recalled moments when you and Killua were fighting. "Oh, I got tons of test papers in my office. Gotta go now." Leorio stood and left the room. Also scolded the girls to stop standing in front of the door.

"SHUT UP YOU LIAR!" Your voice came again.

"WHAT NOW?! I DIDN'T LIE FOR THE PAST 2 WEEKS!" at least you admitted you were a liar, Kill.

"Ara..." this time it was Gon.

"Well, I gotta go to help Pairo studying. See you guys later." Kurapika stood and left the room after taking his bag. 'Gotta go before their cat-and-mice routine'.

"YOU SAID I RANKED THE SECOND IN THE RANK BOARD!" you continued the mouth-fight.

"And you are!" Killua played along.

"No I'm not! I'm almost at the bottom, you jerk!"

"YOU ARE THE SECOND! The thing is I never said you were number two from the top. What I mean was from the bottom! NUMBER 2 FROM THE BOTTOM!" Ha! Nice one, Kill.

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