(1) - Why Bother With Title, It's Christmas Special!

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(A/N: So, yeah, though the title says "Christmas Special", this one is actually takes place on December 24th. Hope you all like this story, and please tell me. Just tell me about anything. Your opinions or maybe criticisms. But anyway, Here's my first fic and one-shot...)

December is quite a fun month. It gets Christmas, It gets New Year, It gets the holiday's spirit, it gets snow, it gets snow ball fight, it gets presents, it gets children's happiness and laughter. And all those childhood days of fun celebration. Oh, those happy time as a child. Something that a pro hunter can't enjoy. You know, all time on high guard, enemies might attack, afraid of getting hunt down, afraid your prey may slip away. Those are so you. Soo~ like you. Not that you want those childhood times back. You choose this path on your own anyway. Aware of consequences like this. A path of a hunter.

But December 24th alone is an eventful and frustrating day for you. You feel like you have no right to call yourself a pro hunter. Seriously, got caught up by enemies and placed in a large, dark box early in the morning? You even don't know what has happen. You woke up this morning to find out you are in this stupid box. What kind of pro hunter is that? A box large enough for you to sleep in. And the box doesn't has any ventilation. But you can still breathe. Weird, just like someone distribute the oxygen inside for you to breath. 'Must be nen user' you thought. And that hypothesis was confirmed by some large amount of nen covering the gigantic box that from now on you call "my cage" or "my nest". Must be for security. So you can't get out.

You can't help it anyway. Your nen intensity suddenly dropped to zero this morning, and still like that up until now. The result of your hangover from last night.

An ordinary hangover can't destroy your nen like this and make you a normal person. But those happen. So you think this must be your enemies doing. Someone put something on your drink last night. You heard about some new drug that can reduce someone's nen. But you never thought it was strong enough to make you back to a normal person.

Oh, and don't ask how you can identify the nen that covering your box when yours drop to zero. You are, after all, the only daughter of a man that is quite well-known (not worldwide though) nen master. To recognize nen, you only need your instinct to feel it. That's what you did as a still non nen user child to know whether your father was practicing nen or doing something else.

Oh, your parents. Now you're remembering them. You just received their letter last night before drinking saying that they're well and gonna be at the country side for this Christmas and wishing you are there with them.

Now, you remember your mother. She is always strict for alcohol and liquor. She always said something like, you must be 20+ for alcohol. Can't blame her though. She's a doctor. You feel guilty now. Of course you do. You're just 18. Gonna be 19 in three months ahead. The youngest in the group. Killua and Gon reach 19 this year. That means Kurapika is 24 and old man Leorio is 26. Time sure is fast.

You remember those times. At the Hunter exam. When you first met Killua, Gon, Kurapika, and the old man. You were actually just 11 that time. You faked your age. Couldn't really believe it worked and you passed.

And then, Illumi brought Killua back home. You were very upset. Even more than Gon. You didn't know what got into you. It's really not strange to be angry when your friend is taken away from you, yes? But that's different. Maybe it was just your feeling. But you don't know your feeling.

Who knows what time is it now. 6 p.m. you think. That means you are inside the box for 12 hours. And still clothed in your white with grey lining pajamas, sleeping cap (like the one that Naruto has, just google it), and your pillow. Your pillow! God! Whoever they are, they really let you be with your pillow. Oh well, might as well get a sleep (though you already did 4 hours ago). Much of your effort is useless anyway.

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