Chapt. 5

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I said bye to Kitty and hopped in my car. I drove to the starbucks up the street. I parked and went in. I saw Emma. Me and her were on good terms and had a great relationship, but I came out the closet and so, we're friends.

"Hey Emma." I said.
"Hey Noah, want the usual?" She asked.
"Sure, but can I have an extra muffin?" I ask. She nods. My usual order is a carmel latte and a chocolate muffin.

Since I was supposed to go with Cody, I kinda feeel guilty and I'm gonna get him a muffin. I sit down and text him. Since this isn't a group chat, his name is saved differently in my phone.
Noah-it-all: sorry 😫
Coco puff: it's okay, we can go after school.
Noah-it-all: ok
I sighed. I don't know why I feel like I let him down. It just looked like he was really excited.
"Noah!" Emma called. I walked up to the counter and took the stuff.
"Thanks." I said. I checked the time, lunch was almost over.

I drove back to college and walked to me and Cody's dorm. I walked in and Cody was re-watching World Tour.
"Hey, sorry again. Here's a gift." I said. I handed him the muffin and sat down.
"We gotta get to swimming."

I took a few bites of my muffin and got my swimming trunks. I grabbed my latte and walked to class.
"Noah, there's a no outside drink and/or food policy at the pool." Bridgette said to me. I rolled my eyes and placed my latte down.

"It's gonna get cold." I said.
"Right, but you just care sooo much about your grades that you'll risk that." She said back to me. I rolled my eyes and went to change. While I walked in, Cody came out. I quickly changed and got into the pool.

"Alright we are gonna have a mini competition next week, so practice." Bridgette said into her megaphone. I started swimming, and after 17 minutes I finished. I dryed off, changed, and went to cooking with D.J.

"Hello everyone! Since valentines day is coming, you'll be making strawberry cupcakes!" D.J. said happily. While wating for Cody to come, I scrolled through Instagram on my phone. Eveyone was posting about their prom dates. Ew.

Finally, Cody showed up and we got started. We made sure we followed every step and put them in the oven.
"I prefer chocolate, but I bet these will be delicous." Cody said. I smiled at him. I'm starting to grow fond of Cody. He's actually pretty cool.

Around him, my cheeks heat up and I get weird feelings in my stomach. It's what friendship feels like. Right?
"That's great." Prom was two weeks from now, and it was me and Courtney's job to plan it. I hope it turns out great. Ew, I sound happy.

Anyway, soon me and Cody finish.
"We should put these cupcakes away and then go ask Chris." I tell Cody.
"Okay!" He agrees. We walk up the stairs to our dorm, and place the cupcakes on the large-ish coffee table.
"Let's go." I said.

We then walked to Chris' office.
"Hey, we have a question." I said to him.
"What?" He said, kind of annoyed. Crap. We forgot the stuff we were gonna do.
"Uh, can we make a club?" Cody asked.

"Sure whatever, as long as it doesn't interfere with prom. I wanna see the action." He said. I rolled my eyes. We stepped out the room.
"We should go to the art room to make posters now." I said. Cody nodded and we walked there.

Courtney was already there, looking angry.
"Noah, what the heck took you so long?! And why is Cody here?!" She asked me.
"Jeez, we're trying to make a club. And we have two weeks to plan so relax." I said to her.

"Whatever. I'll make posters and tomorrow we'll decorate the gym." She said, as she walked to another table. We sat down.
"Okay so change of plans, it can't be on Thursdays or Fridays." I say.
"How about Tuesdays and Sundays?" He suggests.

"Sure." I say.
"Now, what will the group symbol thingy be?" I asked.
"Ooh, it should be a nine!" He says.
"Why exactly?" I say.
"Duh, before the 10th episode!"

"So?" I ask.
"It's a group for the people that got voted off before episode 10." He says.
"Sure." I say.
After 30 minutes, we finish. It takes us another 30 minutes to put up posters, so we get back to our dorm in an hour. I go straight to bed, because I'm exhausted.

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