Chapt. 9

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I woke up and went into Cody's room. I shook him until his eyes opened.
"What Noah..." He asked.
"We have auditions today. And Heather's after party." I remind him. He gets out of bed and hugs me.
"I'm not a big fan of hugs." I say.

"Too bad." He says back. I smile.
"C'mon, let's get ready and go." I say, pulling away from the hug. I get clothes out my dresser and change. I then go to the classroom. (Insert time bc idc) I looked down at the list of people.
I groan.
"What's wrong?" Cody asks.
"Only three people wanted to try out that's what. And one including Sierra. We're lucky she was on the third season." I say, slightly annoyed. He thinks for a slight second, and nods.

People (and by that I mean 3 humans) walk into the room.
"Auditions are cancelled." I say. Sierra makes a sad face at Cody and walks out. Cameron waves at Cody then leaves. Sam just walks out looking at his game guy.
-15 minutes before after party-
I put on a dress shirt and some jeans. I called to Cody.
"Cody! Are you ready?!" I ask.
"Almost!" He yells back." I roll my eyes. I grab the flowers, teddy bear, and little envelope I bought. Cody walks up to me.

"What's that?" He asks. My cheeks warm up.
"Uh, these are for you. I'm not good at romance so I hope you like it." I say, giving him the stuff I was holding. He stood there in awe.

 He stood there in awe

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I smile. He places the stuff on the couch and follows me. Tdi, tdwt, and tdas will be there, so I agree to sneak kisses to Cody. We arrive at Heather's dorm and knock on the door.
"Oh look! It's the new couple." She says. I glare at her.

"Whaat? It's true!" She says in an innocent voice. I roll my eyes and walk in the room. It's HUGE.
"Chris said the longer you last, the better room you get. And I was in the final three." She said, in an annoying voice.

"Whatever." I said. She even had a BAR. A freaking bar. Me and Cody sat there.
"Remind me why we came here?" I asked Cody, taking out my phone.
"It seemed fun. Ooh, look! Eva, Owen, and Izzy are here!" He said, pointing.

He grabbed my arm and practically dragged me to where they were.
"Dude, Ow!" I said.
"Izzy told me what happened at prom. Congrats." Eva said. Then that reminded of when Cody only told me that he didn't want to tell anyone.

"Izzy for the love of god, please tell me you didn't tell anyone." I said.
"Weelllll..." She said. I sighed, and went on the BALCONY. Seriously, where did Cheap McClain get the budget for this. Cody sighed.
"So much for a secret." He said.

"At least we won't be under peer pressure to kiss." I said, chuckling. Cody giggled a bit. I turned him to face me then kissed him.
"Uh..." We heard somebody say from behind us. We turned to see Geoff. Of course he was here.

"Congrats guys!" He said enthusiastically.
"Thanks, man." Cody said. I just gave him a thumbs up then went back to kissing Cody. Then of course, Sierra walked up to us. She pulled me away from him.

"Cody-kins are you okay?!" She asked looking nervous.
"Oh Sierra... Yeah I'm perfectly fine." He said awkwardly.
"Uh could you not-" But she walked up to me and got really close to my face.
"Leave him alone!" She said.

"No can do, I'm addicted." I say as I kiss Cody again. She makes a 'ugh!" sound and storms off.
"Nooaahhh!" Cody says.
"What dork?" I ask, smiling at him.
"I love youuu!" He says. I smile and kiss him again.

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