propossl ahahahshshhs

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3 Years Later...
Today I'm planning to propose to Cody at a PICNIC. We were planning to go around 2:30, and it was 2:15. We weren't planning anything fancy, so the extra time we had I was planning to bring some desert. Which I mean chips ahoy cookies, because I wouldn't have the time to actually make something.

I put on my usual clothes, and slipped my phone out my pocket. I know it's kind of weird, but I put "drafts" of what I would say in the proposal. I'm so nervous, I can hardly breath. Cody is such a good guy, I don't know if he'd ever want to spend his life with me me. After all, he did swoon over Gwen for most of the show.

Doubting myself isn't gonna help. I take a deep, but sharp breath and walk out to see Cody waiting on the couch. I tap his shoulder.
"Let's go." I say. He nods and follows behind me to our car.

"Noah! Can I drive pleaseee!" Cody begged.
"We've been over this before, no. The last time I let you drive, you nearly bumped into a mailbox. Not to mention you can just barely reach the petals."

"That was once! I'll be more careful!" He said, trying too convince me.
"Please, Noah, please!"

"How about no." I say while getting into the car. He gets into the passenger seat and slump.
"It's not that serious, you're over exaggerating."

"Am not! You never let me do anything fun, you're a buzz kill." He argues back.

"I'm not a buzz kill, I'm just trying to spare a couple of lives."

When we are finally there, I set everything up. We are under a pretty looking tree, beside a lake. I play with my hands. It's so awkward. It had never been like this, but since today was a particularly special day, I didn't wanna screw anything up that would lower my chances of getting a yes.

I slid my phone out my pocket and started scrolling through my notes rapidly. Cody tilted his head in confusion.
"Watcha doing?" He asked.
"Oh, nothing." I repy. I open the basket we have and place a bunch of food on plates all over the blanket. I only made things that both of us like, which suprisingly gives us enough food to call this lunch.

I took a deep breath and decided to go for it.
"Yeah?" Here goes nothing.

"You take up most of my heart. You know I'm not really a people person, so that's ironic. Um..." Im blanking on what to say. God, why now?

"I didn't think I'd ever be able to love as well as my parents and everyone else could, or wanted me to. But you proved that I was wrong, and you accomplished to make the thought of me spending my life with you appear in my mind. Nobody has ever made me feel the way you do. So... Cody Emmett Jameson Anderson, will you marry me?" I say while im on my knees.

He bursts out in tears. He does that whenever he's incredibly happy but also very suprised, so it's kind of like an overwhelmed cry because the happiness is so shocking. So maybe that's a good sign?
"YES!" He says he wipes his face. I smile really widely, which is weird. I haven't felt this happy since I was six, but never felt so appreciated and loved.

"I'm so excited! We have lots of planning to do now." He said while sitting back down and started chewing on a cookie. I sigh in relief. That was a weight off my shoulders.


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