Pay the price

366 11 10

     (You and Lida knocked on the door)

*But no one was there, then Tenya remembered*

Oh yea y/n I think my parents are still at the hospital with Tensei, but maybe we should just wait inside?

Ummm yea I guess so.(You said as you walked in the house with your head down)

(You sat down on the couch, Tenya went to make you some tea)

Here you my love, (He said with a kiss on your head)

Thank you... I really appreciate you trying to make me feel comfortable. Lowkey though your making my feel like my head is big (You said with a little laugh)

Well Y/n... your head is pretty big. THOUGH THEY'RE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT!(He said waving his arm up and down)

Oh my gosh, your just adorable. Seriously though is it really?( You said with a straight face)

            *After about 20 mins of that lol, Tenya's parents pulled up in the driveway*

Okay four eyes I might have a heart attack real quick (You said rocking back and forth)

Tenya then pulled you into his arms and told you to breathe and think positive thoughts, my big head baby( He said with a little smile)

Didn't we just have that whole talk abou-

                *The front door opened*

(You and Lida froze in time as stiff as possible)

Hello dear, can you both go sit in the dining room. Me and your father will be in there soon( Mrs.Iida said with a little smile)

O-Oh yes mother. Shall we?(Tenya grabbed your hand)

Oh of course my love (You said squeezing his hand and looking him in the eye)

*You both sat in there, you wanted to read their minds but Tenya looked at you and said no*

So how are you too today? Y/n is there something wrong you look nervous?( Both Mr and Mrs. Iida asked)

Well see mother and father me and y/n have something we need to get off our chest....

Oh great because we have some news for the both of you too( Mr. Iida said looking happy)

Tenya... your brother walked today! He also will be able to come home soon! When he gets back we are going to take a break from the hero stuff so we can keep a eye on him.

O- Oh wow that, t-that is outstanding and wonderful!(Tenya and his parents hugged)

We will still eventually I back to being heroes but we do need to take a break, get to spend some quality family time with each other. Y/n your more then welcome to join us!

Oh right what was it exactly you needed to tell us? (Mrs. Iida said with the biggest smile on her face)

Oh this is going to wipe that smile right off her faces ( you thought to yourself)

  Ah yes, we'll see I hope this information won't effect our relationship, but.......( You said grabbing the test out your pocket)

*Mr and Mrs. faces turned pale, some might say as pale as snow. With both of there jaws dropped the lowest they could go.

*They both quickly grabbed Lida and dragged his upstairs. When I say "drag" I mean DRAGGGGGIINNNGG

Tenya x reader Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora