🍲Sukiyaki (1)🍲

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Round four? (Tenya asked catching his breath laying against his headboard)

Hell nah... I'm surprised I'm made it to round three. Let alone four, but five... no. (You answered walking in your bathroom after)

Can I at least get in with you... I could help wash you. I could even give you a massage. (Tenya said sneaking up behind you and putting his hands around your waist)

I meannnn I guess I do deserve a massage....(You said rocking back and forth with Tenya)

Yea I'll start the water. Just let me check on the boys. (Tenya said putting on his robe)

Okay. (You said looking in the mirror)

*Tenya walks out*

*Phone rings*

Could you get that for me love! I'll be in there in a sec. (Tenya yelled to you)

I gotchu! (You said looking for the phone)

Where the hell is that pho- oh here. (You said to yourself before you saw the name)

Umm hello, can I help you? (You answered the phone)

O-Oh umm, Hi! (Tenshi said nervous)

Hi.....can I help you or? (You said starting to get irritated)

Oh yea, I wanted to talk to Tenya. I'm his friend, well I wouldn't want to say friends we barely know each other. Anyways I'm Tenshi. (Tenshi answered feeling awkward)

You guys barely know each other yet you have his number... (You said walking around the room)

Yea, I met him at the restaurant I work at. That's where I met his and his friends, they were very nice especially Sero. Tenya was very nice and helped to get my crazy ex off my back. (Tenshi said on the other line)

Me and him love Sukiyaki it's (our) favorite, you could say it's our thing that we both admire. (Tenshi said smiling on the other end)

Well hello Tenshi, I'm Tenya's wife. And I don't know what the hell is wr- (You said rethinking the situation)

What the hell is wrong with me? I'm so rude... would you like to have dinner with us tomorrow night? I'm sure your "friend" Tenya would love to see us get to know each other. (You said in a calming voice)

Oh wow, that's sounds really nice. Umm sure why not, what time should I come? (Tenshi said feeling better)

You can come around 7:30. (You said laying on your bed still naked)

           *Foot steps towards your room*

Okay I have to go now. See you then! (You said excited)

Bye and thanks again! (Tenshi said happy)

                           *Hangs up*

Hey, sorry about that. You know Ishaan is always pooping. We should really get the checked out. (Tenya said walking in and fixing up the shower to get in)

Yea. That's our boy...(You said kissing him on the cheek)

Oh! Umm tomorrow I'm cooking for dinner. OUR favorite... Sukiyaki. (You said rubbing his shoulder and walking out)

Hey guys! Im coming in. (You asked walking into you sisters house)

Hey Y/n! (Shoto, Bakugo, Alana said waving at you)

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