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Young Queen trying to follow
her dreams just to be free
of the statistics and
labels that were placed on her
before her first breath.

With caution, she should
tread but Young Queen
came into this world dearing
it to be her enemy.

Young Queen, so fierce and
strong slips away for a
moment drowned by
insecurities and peer pressure.

Queen grew up fatherless
and without motherly
affection leading to her
teenage destruction.

She forgets that
she is loved and
starting searching in
the wrong places.

Young Queen,
why'd you let him in?
She'd ask herself
And then him turned into them
Then them turned into
many earning self-hatred
and a little self-pity.

Young Queen just wants
what Cinderella has,

A prince charming

But Young Queen is
only nineteen.

Slow down baby just breathe.

Young Queen is back following
her dreams forgetting
what she wants and fighting
for what she needs.

No longer
a princess but crowned
Queen making womanly

moves still sometimes
getting distracted by
childishly dudes

she'll learn.

She'll want a good smart
brother when she gets that degree

She'll want a brighter
future when she catches
that dream.

Young Queen praying on
her knees thanking God for
not only his guidance but
advice when he told her

to just breathe

Breathe Queen,

just breathe.

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