Chapter 10

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The journeying cats had stopped at a river and Raven's fur prickled uncomfortably.

"We are gonna have to cross it." Cinnamon meowed. "There is no Nofur bridge or a tree leading across. Butters, you can carry Raven. He can't swim on his own yet."

The CreekClan cats, who were living with them, had taught some of the RainClan cats how to swim.

Butters nodded and grabbed up Raven by the scruff of her neck.

Cinnamon plunged in, then Violet, then Butters was last with Raven.

Raven felt cold water hit his pelt. He forced herself not to shiver as Butters plunged in with him.

Butters had a firm grip on his scruff though and he was sure he wouldn't be knocked to the surface until his father had let him go all of a sudden.

Raven was dragged under and was gasping for air. He searched for Cinnamon's black pelt under the water but he couldn't see it.

His head broke the surface and he saw Cinnamon climb out of the river and shake the water from her pelt on the bank.

Violet and Butters climbed out next and Raven tried paddling towards them but the current dragged him away.

He turned and he noticed that he was heading straight for a waterfall!

"No! No! No! No! Oh MoonClan no!" He yowled. Fear in his amber eyes.

But he let the current drag him over. He was only a kit. There was nothing he could do to stop it.

Then he came to the drop and was now falling, heading straight for a small pool of water at the bottom.

He closed his eyes. I'm sorry MoonClan. He sighed. I failed you..


A paw prodded Raven's shoulder and he blinked open his eyes.

A gray tom was standing over him, concern in his green gaze. "Are you ok? You took a pretty nasty fall."

He looked like a kit still. About two moons older than Raven. He still had kitten fluff on his cheeks.

Raven got to his paws and looked up at him. "I'm fine." He insisted.

The tom just snorted. "You are not fine! You look like a half drowned mouse!" He purred in amusement.

Raven's fur felt hot with embarrassment. "I-I.." He stuttered out.

The tom just chuckled. "It's ok." He purred. "By the way, my names Lucky. What's yours?"

"I'm Raven." Raven replied.

"Did you not know there was a river here?" Lucky joked. "Why would you wanna jump in a river anyways?"

Raven's fur bristled. "I didn't just jump in it randomly! There was no other way to get across it!" He snapped.

Lucky widened his eyes. "No need to get all snappy." He told him. "I didn't know."

"Yeah well I lost my companions now because of this." Raven scoffed. "They are probably out looking for me now."

Lucky's green eyes clouded with sympathy. "I can help you find them."

Raven looked at Lucky hopefully. "Are you one of those Clowder cats?" He asked.

Lucky looked offended. "Me? A Clowder cat? No way! Nor would I want to be! Why? Are you one?"

Raven shook his head. "No. I'm a Clan cat. But what have the Clowder cats done to you?" He asked.

Lucky narrowed his eyes and wrapped his tail around his paws. "They chased me out of there territory one time because I fell into the stream that bordered there territory. They called me a 'rouge'." He snarled.

"Oh." Raven mumbled. "Well we are looking for a kittypet named Laird and-"

Lucky's eyes brightened. "That's my brother!" He exclaimed.

Raven looked at Lucky, surprised. "Then do you know where he lives?"

Lucky nodded. "I do! I visit him sometimes as well."

Raven widened his eyes. "Then can you take me there?"

Lucky nodded. "Of course. But let me catch prey for us first. We'll need strength."

Raven nodded and watched as he turned and dissappeared into the ferns.


Lucky came back with a plump mouse in his jaws. "Here is some prey!" He mumbled through a mouthful of prey.

He dropped it at Raven's paws, and crouched down in front of him.

Raven crouched down too and began eating.

"So you said you were a Clan cat right? What's a Clan?" Lucky's question took Raven by surprise.

"It's a group of cats." Raven replied. "We all live together. I'm from RainClan."

"Like a Clowder?" Lucky asked, taking a bite of mouse.

Raven shook his head and took another bite. "No. The Clowder cats only have one Clowder. We have more than one Clan."

"I see." Lucky mewed, taking a bite. "So what are the other Clans?"

Raven took a bite of mouse and when he gulped it down he replied, "Well we have RainClan, my Clan, CreekClan, CloverClan, TreeClan, BasinClan, WarrenClan, NightClan, and TideClan."

"Can I join your Clan? When we find your companions that is. What Clan are they from?" Lucky meowed.

"RainClan." Raven answered. "All of them are. One of our elders, named Pepper, who was traveling with us, died from falling of a train. She was from RainClan as well. And Mokey left us when she died. She used to be a house cat now she is a loner. Her and Pepper were close." He explained.

"Oh." Lucky mumbled. "Sorry about Pepper and Mokey. I bet they were great cats."

"They were." Raven admitted. "But yes you can join us when we find my friends. We are actually looking for more cats to join our Clan."

Lucky widened his eyes. "Great!" He purred.

"I kinda wanted to ask why you lived here and how you got here." Raven mewed. "That's fine if you don't wanna tell."

Lucky let out a sigh. "Life wasn't always easy for me...I used to have owners when I was small like you but...they ended up abandoning me. They put me in a box and threw me in the river...I got out though as you can tell. The reason they threw me out is because they had a kit of their own and had no more time for a kitten like me."

Raven's eyes clouded with sympathy. "Oh." He murmured. "I'm sorry that happened I had no idea."

Lucky looked at him. "It's not your fault. Don't worry about it."

"Did you have siblings?" Raven asked. "Other than Laird I mean."

Lucky nodded. "I believe I did. Their names were Shadow and Luna. I was named Feather at first but I changed my name to Lucky cause it was lucky I survived going down that waterfall. And it seems you are lucky too." He gulped down the last bite of mouse.

Raven let out a chuckle. "I suppose I am." He purred. "So now are we going?"

Lucky got to his paws. "Yep. Come on. We might find your friends on the way. They are looking for Laird too right?"

Raven nodded. "Yeah we all were till I got lost."

Lucky dipped his head. "Ok." He mewed. "Come on." He led the way through the ferns and Raven followed him.

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