2. A Thief in the Night

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Iyan made her way towards her room on silent feet. She'd reached the brothel just as the bell rang for supper. The hallways were empty but she could hear voices in the dining room. Asena's was the loudest. Apparently her sister had done some drinking while she was at work.

Iyan sighed and crept up a set of stairs. I'll have to make sure we have some water for her later, she thought. She reached their tiny room and pushed open the door. Lucille was sitting on her bed.

"Finally! I thought you'd never be back!" Lucille jumped up and grabbed her hand.

"Wait, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at supper?"

Lucille rolled her eyes. "Derek said I wasn't invited today, but I don't mind. There's a party at Sven Abel's house tonight and I was asked to come. I wondered if you would come with me."

Iyan bit her lip. "I don't know, Lucille. It's after dark now and besides, I think Asena was drinking earlier so she'll need me around."

"Oh, phooey on her. It was her own choice. Let her deal with the consequences for once."

"It's still dark."

"Come on, Iyan. No Faerie will come steal you away tonight, I promise." Lucille tightened her grip ever so slightly.

Iyan sighed, then gave her friend a nod. "All right, but only for a little while." Lucille squealed and hugged her, then pulled her out the door.

The dining room was still filled with noise as they made their way towards the front door. They tugged on their cloaks and ran into the dark streets. Iyan let Lucille take the lead.

"So how did you get an invitation to Sven Abel's house?" Iyan asked. Sven Abel was the nephew of Governor Marcelle. Usually, he stayed in Glensbrook, a four day's journey to the south. Only on occasion did he visit Sparrowhaven, despite having a house there.

"You'll never believe it," Lucille giggled.

"Tell me."

"Well, I saw an advertisement in the newspaper a few weeks ago and he was asking for young ladies to write to him. He said he would choose three ladies to reply to and give them a chance to try to win his heart. I was one of the lucky three."

Iyan's mouth fell open. "That's...great."

"Of course it's great! If I manage to win him over, I'll be rich and comfortable for the rest of my life!" Lucille skipped in a circle as she walked. "I'll finally be able to leave Derek and Sparrowhaven."

"And me," Iyan pointed out.

Lucille halted and shook her head. "No, never. If Sven proposes to me, I'm going to ask if I can bring you with me."

"He won't allow that unless I come as a maid or something."

"Then we'll agree to that and as soon as we're out of here, I'll let you go wherever you want, with enough money to live happily on. Asena too!"

Iyan gave her a soft smile. "Let's hope this plan of yours works." She had her doubts, but she wasn't going to spoil Lucille's beautiful dream.

They reached Sven's townhouse and were stopped by two guards. "Names," one of them demanded.

"Lucille Whittmoor and Iyan Vesper," Lucille replied.

The guard checked over a list. His gaze flickered over them. "Is she your plus one?" He jerked his head towards Iyan. Lucille nodded. "All right. Enjoy yourselves." The guards stepped aside and they entered a lavish parlor room.

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