31: Unmasked hatred

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     "I never thought that I could gain so much and loose so much all at once

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"I never thought that I could gain so much and loose so much all at once."





She lost everything at once.

Kikyo awoke to the sound of water dripping. Her body felt heavy with great pain coursing throughout relentlessly without breaks. Her hair was matted and coiled around her neck messily, the metallic taste of blood dancing on her tongue.  [It hurts so much .]Tears sprung to her eyes and she was stubborn for them not to fall.

  Where was she?

The faint smell of burning reached her nose and she assumed that it was residue from the fire justu the raven-haired boy, whose anger was solely directed at her in the moment, had let off in his departure. She was left unable to move her head to look at her surroundings, unsure of the smell's origin and unable to confirm where her brother lay. [Was it sorrow that bloomed in her chest ? ]

She felt unsure of the answers to the questions that appeared in her mind, a weird sort of pain branching out in her. [Was she able to move on?— Was she alone once more ? Just like back then..]

The thought terrified her.

Flashes of the fight visited her mind rapidly, violent exchanges of memories tapping in within seconds and Kikyo had to let out a shaky sigh at the recollections. [shes alone, she's alone, she's alone .. alonealonealonealone—] A stubborn tear ran down her face, betraying her attempts to remain collected as possible.

   "Kikyo Yamanaka."

     Her eyes shot open and her heart stopped. Kikyo forced herself up, hands gripping onto the ground with her nails digging deep for support to no avail.  She bit her lip. [I didn't even hear any footsteps and didn't even sense anything..!] Her body cried out in pain.

  Still, she could not move.

    "Wanna hear a story?~"

      A masked man stood over her, and she was suddenly reminded of the reason of her state of mind.

   There was a corpse missing.

     And the smell of burning remained




      Her heart hurt—-

"Who are you?"

His voice seemed so much higher, mimicking that of a jester dancing for a king. Though, the sadistic smirk in his tone was obvious and she could see through the orange spiral that he had no intentions of letting her grief peacefully. He held no intent to let her go regardless of her state.

   "Silly girl! Tobi's name is Tobi."

    She stared at him with exhausted eyes, with a gradually dulling blue. Her mind remained cracked, heart just barely holding on to pump oxygen around the body from the amount of [grief? Pain?.. she wasn't sure. ] Not when the stench of burning flesh grew clearer to her awakening senses.

   "Ah~! Girl is so sad!," His voice continued, mocking. "Hmm, almost like she lost something precious ..."

   He put a finger to the chin of his mask with a false wonder and curiosity.

   "Maybe like a brother?"

    She wanted to kill him—-

    "Ah. Did Tobi guess right?" His voice was light but the tone was insulting, mocking with not even a drop of sympathy for the loss that carved away at her heart mercilessly like a starved man. "Tobi did, didn't he? Hmm, I guess you'll need a new one, girly!"

    She didn't respond.

   The stench grew stronger.

   Then, she was struggling to breathe.

    "A  - N - S - W - E-R." His hand was closed around her throat, sharp nails digging through the fabric of his glove effortlessly and into the bruised skin. The light glow of chakra making it harder for her to have a somewhat grasp on her breath at all. "Don't be shy!"

  Saliva ran down the sides on her mouth as she struggled to move her hands to claw at his.

    Sweat began to build up, her face begging to pale from the lack of oxygen.

   "Tobi just wanted to know."

   He let go.

   She spat out blood.

   The stench grew stronger.

    "Smells weird huh? Tobi thinks so too."

   He wanted her to smell the foul stench of a corpse turning to ash.

   He wanted to watch the light fade from her eyes whilst the organ in her lungs continued to pump blood and oxygen around the body.

  He wanted to watch her shatter into thousands of pieces, unrecognisable. She was to be left in a state that held no light. A girl turned into a doll run by pure suffering and grief.

  "My name is Tobi,"

   He leant closer and she saw red—-

   "-and I have a story to tell you!~"

Kikyo had never felt such great hatred.

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