Chapter 2-Mari's Past (part 1)

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Third Person POV

Joker and Harley just finished terrorizing in one of the streets of Gotham when the batfam came. They were running back to Joker's lair when suddenly Harley stopped.

Dialouge: H=Harley J=Joker

J:"Can you hear that?:
H:"Hear What?"
J:"I hear... Sobbs?"

Back to third person POV

Harley went down an alley following the sobbing sounds to find a crying blunette girl.

Dialouge: H=Harley J=Joker M=Marinette

H:"Hey little one."
M:"Wh-who are you?"
J:"Harley! Slow down!"
M:"H-Harley?! A-as in H-Harley Quinn?!"
H:"Great! You blew my cover. Good job. Now she's gonna run away."
M:"N-no I'm not!"
M:"I-I said I'm not running away."
J:"You're pretty brave for your age."
M:"You won't hurt me...right?"
H:"Of course not little one. You're so cute!"
H:"So tell me little one, why are you here? Alone? And what is your name? This is Gotham were talking about."
M:"My name is Mariell Randel. M-my parents k-kick me o-out. They a-always kick m-me and hurt m-me."
H:"I'm sorry. Do you want me to adopt you?"
M:"R-really? You'll adopt me? You don't h-hate me?"
H:"Why would I? Like I said, you're so cute!"
J:"You didn't even ask me..."
H:"None of your buisiness."
M:"Hee hee. You guys are funny.:
H:"And you're just so cute! I really wanna adopt you!"
M:"So I can call you mom and dad?"
H:"Is that a yes?!"

Third Person POV

And by that Harley and Joker took her home. They agreed to change her name from Mariell Randel to Mari Quinn. Harley and Joker also took her to meet the other villains. Mari called them her aunts or uncles. She was loved by all villains and were under all the villains's protect although she didn't the protection. From the day she was adopted by harley, she was trained self defense like hand-to-hand combat and how to use all kinds of weapons. She was also taught many foreign laguages (I don't wanna list them out cause I'm lazy.). She slowly fell in love torturing people not long after...
One night, Mari was taking a stroll around the streets of Gotham when suddenlly a black figure came out of nowhere and appeared in front of Mari. Out of reflexes, Marinette took a step back and took out her gun.

B=Batman/Bruce Wayne M=Mari (With a little mix of third person POV)

B:"Woah woah little girl put down that gun of yours."
M:"Oh...It's just you...What do you want?" She asked with a cold tone.
B:"What are you doing with a gun and more importantly what are you doing out here all alone in this night?"
Mari lowered her gun and said "First, were in Gotham, having a gun for protection isn't wierd. Second, my name is Mari Quinn and I'm just walking around."
B:"Mari Quinn? As in Harley Quinn's daughter? I never knew she had one..."
M:"Now you know so may I go now, Brucey?"
B:"W-what di you just call me?"
M:"It's pretty obvious isn't it? Don't worry your secret is safe with me. Bye~"
B:"You know who I am so you also know I will be checking you right?"
M:"So? You would'nt get anything anyways."
B:"I doubt that but what I meant to say is you can come over anytime you like."

Third Person POV

After the conversation she disapperead in the streets. She went home and told Harley and Joker everything including Batmans identity. But she also told them not to tell anyone and not to bother his civillain self. She also told them she will be visiting the Wayne's manor every week and they agreed.


Ok so Mari's past went longer than I expected so I'm gonna split it to two parts.

See you guys on the next chapter!

Word count: 692 words

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