Chapter 3-Mari's Past(part 2)

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I'm so happy today. I just published this book about 5 days ago and now I have 9 readers! I just expected it to be 5.
So let's get on to the story.


Third Person POV

Marinette grew closer with the Waynes everytime she came to visit. Bruce also managed to make her less wanting to torture somebody. She still wanted to but she can control herself. Mari also got to lessen the villains damaging Gotham City. The Waynes trusted her so they also gave away their identities to Mari. So now not only the villains but the Waynes sworne to protect her too.

Sadly this didn't last long... One day Mari was informed that she had to move to Paris. She found out that there are people hired to kill Joker and Harley so they sent her away. Although she was sad she knew she had to move since it's for the best. Harley and Joker promised they will see each other again and will call her every weekend. After saying their goodbyes Mari went on the private plane sponsored by the Waynes and left to Paris, France.

Time skip brought to you by your lazy author

Mari then was adopted by her new parents, Sabine and Tom Dupain-Cheng. They changed her name to Marinette Dupain-Cheng. At first Mari didn't want to but after some time thinking she agreed to it just to avoid suspicion. Tom and Sabine treated her well and she was happy but she still felt incomplete. She was forced to act like a friendly, kind, thoughtful and anything else good. She hated it but still kept her diguise on since Joker and Harley told her to.


Sorry this chapter is short but I promise it will maintain the same 600 and above words next chapter.

See you guys on the next chapter!😊

Word count: 314 words

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