Chapter 2: Get Your Snakes Under Control

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A/N: TW: rape, drugging, underaged alcohol and drug use

The jingle jangle taste was warm and tangy in my mouth. Betty was looking down at all of us while she was sitting rigidly, hanging onto her water bottle for dear life. Archie had a horrid expression on his face making it clear he didn't enjoy the drug. I wasn't fond of it either but there was no way I was going to give up my bad girl HBIC persona, especially in front of Veronica's New York CIty guest.

"You should have some, Betty. It's not that bad," Veronica slurred, taking a break from her wild dancing.

"You should," I said, focusing on making sure my voice was steady. That task was plenty difficult since my head was starting to pound and my vision stir.

"Really Veronica, you bring in some New York street rat and all of a sudden your doing drugs and drinking and dragging in your new so call friends? I'm out you want to be this person then don't call me your friend," Betty snapped, yanking the stick of jingle jangle from my hand. "I can't believe you too, Cheryl," she whispered to me before storming off.

That's when I concluded I didn't like Nick . I noticed him getting handsy with Veronica, who's in a relationship, while I was sitting back trying to overcome the effects of the jingle jangle. I watched as Veronica rejected him and he sulked off doing a loop around the people dancing before settling besides me on the small sofa.

"How are you doing pretty girl?" he said.

I flinched away. He reeked of alcohol and strong aftershave which wasn't a pleasant combination. "The name is Cheryl."

"Turning away a compliment baby girl?" he slurred again.

"I don't know you. Get your stalkerish ass away from me now," I snapped, standing up and strutting to the main door and letting myself out.

Fast forward not to many weeks later I was at the SoDale Gala because Veronica and Josie begged me to watch them perform in the Pussy cats. I finally decided I wanted to go and now I'm standing in a crowd of people in way to much perfume and cologne. I watched the girls sing and dance with my drink loosely held in my hand.

The next time I took a sip I pulled the cup away quickly, it tasted salty and bitter. I bit back a cough and took another sip. Each sip turned out to be the same and soon enough the Pussycats on stage looked fuzzy and almost pixelated. I started to feel dizzy and as I felt myself fall back strong arms pulled me close. I looked back almost expecting it to be Jason but it was Nick St. Clair and I didn't have the energy to push myself away. I closed my eyes for a few seconds but it must have been longer from that because when I opened them I was on a bed somewhere with Nick towering over me with his hands on my thighs.

I tried to scream and kick him or fight but I couldn't I felt like a rag doll. He started to smile like a villain from a children's movie. I squeezed my eyes back closed bracing for what I knew would happen when I heard a loud crash. I opened my eyes to see Veronica and Josie coming through the room door. I took the distracting situation to try and wriggle out of Nick's grasp. The rest of the events where foggy but I remember Veronica hoisting me into a sitting position and then going to pummel Nick.

Then I felt numb.


The drag race was the first time I had gone out since my incident with Nick St. Douche. It was technically between the Southside Serpents and a rival drug gang the Ghoulies but Jughead got Archie involved who got Veronica involved who got Betty involved who, for some reason, decided to get me involved. So here I was dressed in my favorite summer outfit- a white crop top and short, red, high-waisted shorts- sitting on the hood of my red Thunderbird with Kevin and Betty. We were making bets about who would win and I was watching Kevin and Betty make heart eyes at their Serpent Scum beaus. I scoffed to myself but kept a neutral expression on my face.

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