Chapter 4: Dream Girl

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The next Monday, which is after two painfully long days playing house with my abusive mother and crazy uncle, I finally see Toni again. I walk quickly towards where she's standing by her locker although I try to make it look casual. "Cha-cha, thanks for being there Friday," I say leaning back on the locker next to her's.

"No problem. Actually one problem, your mother actually kicked me out of your house, like escorted me to the door and then shoev my ankle with her pointy shoe," Toni told me with a smile on her pretty face.

I knew my face wasn't as pretty, I knew I was frowning, once more because of my horrid creature of a mother. "I'll have to bring that up with her."

"You don't have to do that, Cheryl," Toni said frowning slightly.

"Yes, I do. Actually, Vixen mid-year tryouts are today. Will you and your amazing dance skills be joining us?" I asked, rolling out the z in amazing.

"I think so, Cherry. I even got Veronica to give me a uniform from the supply closet," she says, closing her locker door and starting to walk.

I take two long strides to catch up with her. Well then, see you third period. Good luck Cha-cha. Not that you need it, I've seen what you got," I whispered into her ear before walking away and down a separate hallway to my first class. As I walked away though I saw a flash of Toni stuck to her spot, a tiny bit of pink coloring her cheeks.


"Well there's no way you ameautuers can beat that so auditions are over. Toni and inner circle Vixens stay back, everyone else shoo," I called after the applause for Toni's fantastic performance was over. After I briefed the girl on the sleepover at my house i asked Toni to stay back.

Toni was still flushed from working out and her hair was fluffy from getting whipped around. "What's up, Cherry?" she asked, wiping sweat from her hairline.

"I was wondering if maybe you wanted to get dinner tonight. I know this cute place in Greendale," I said nonchalantly, trying not to blush and make it a big deal.

"Are you asking me on a date Miss Blossom?" Toni asked, her voice carrying a laugh.

"It depends, do you want to go an a date with me, Miss Topaz?" I shot back.

Toni lickedher bottom lips with playfulness in her eyes. "Pick me up at six, Cherry." and with that she walked off leaving me alone and with a permanent smile plastered onto my face.

At lunch I walked up to the table where the Scooby gang was sitting and tapped Veronica's shoulder. She turned around and looked at me. "What's up, Cheryl?"

"A word?" I asked, smiling at Betty who said hello.

"Sure," Veronica said, standing up and excusing herself. We walked wordlessly out of the cafeteria and into the deserted hallways.

"What did you need to talk about?" Veronica asked sweetly.

"I kinda sort asked Toni on a date and now I'm supposed to pick her up at six," I said in one breath. I sounded nervous, something I never did. And the Veronica did something I never thought she'd do, she bounced up and down and clapped her hands. Toni may have been right, Veronica wanted us to get together.

"This is great. Do you know what you're gonna wear? Or where you're going or what the plan is?" Veronica rambled excitedly.

"Uh no. A place in Greendale and maybe to get ice cream after?" I suggested.

"Okay, come to my place after school we'll get you all dolled up. Even though Toni would like you if you wore sweatpants," Veronica declared. "Now spill the beans, do you guys have chemistry? Have you guys hung out?"

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