I do care beacuase he's my son!-8

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As they are unsure of what to do so they decide to bow down with respect except techno because of him being a (i forgot the word for him) so he just crossed his arms as Dj looks at them and see that what Tommy said is true or not but can see the good but a lot of bad has gone through this family and see why Tommy is like this and will now see if they actually do care for him for what has happened.

Dj:you may rise

Phil and Rambo get up from bowing down

Dj:what brings you three in my kingdom

Phil:we're looking for my son Tommy

Rambo:have you seen him

Dj:he's been living here with us as we been treating his wounds and pain from the people at this country "l'amanberg" as it's president is also a child and was forced to betray his best friend and exile him as this isn't his first exile as this is the 3rd time and from what you have put him through *angry face while looking at the adults sense Rambo is a minor* forcing a child to grow up without a childhood and having him go to war and neglecting him while being with your favorite son and don't deny it i can see it all over your face ! 💢 *calms down* however as for you Technoblade..


Dj:i know that you tried to be there for your little brother as he was the sunshine to make y'all smile and laugh when you were little he saw you as a idol a hero and a strong warrior

Techno: *soft chuckle* yah i remember him watching me train and he would ask me to teach him and catch him trying to do what i do...i-i want to make things right

Dj:hmm i believe you but do you believe that you will make things right

Techno: i will

Dj:and you Phil?, do you believe that you will things right? Or make it worse?


Dj:do you even care?

Phil:i do care because he's my SON!

Tommy:you don't have the right to call me your son..

Phil and techno and Rambo:?!

They look around and then they finally see Tommy as his appearance change a bit looking older as he is leaning on the side of the throne,they were happy to see him but for Tommy he was feeling mixed emotions despite making the letters for them it was only for when he was going to kill himself but now he isn't sure what to feel about this.


Tommy:im not going back,im not going back to exile and im not going back...

Rambo:but Tommy we need you everything has different ever sense your exile everyone is not smiling and tubbo is going through hard times and when dream told us you died it hurt tubbo so badly please come back im sure once tubbo sees your alive he'll let you come back to la'manberg and everything will be ok ple-

Tommy:no Rambo everything won't be ok ! and im sure i won't be welcome back to l'amanberg that place use to be a home to me but it's nothing but memories of my life being manipulated and hurt the only good ones i had were with tubbo and..with Wilber but everything changed he changed he wasn't the brother i knew and cared,he hurt me and forced me to grow up and be in his war , i never wanted this ! I just wanted to be what i am and have fun with my friends but i can't because of everything even from the wars...i especially can't go back because of dream..

Techno:we know what he did to you Tommy we won't let that happen we'll protect you

Tommy:techno..i want to believe you but i can't even if i did he still finds a way..he still finds a way to hurt me and hurt you and trick you...i don't want to see the people i care hurt...i..i can't go back

Phil:Tommy please i know we messed up but give us a second chance please

Tommy:... *thinking* fine ill give you a second chance but that doesn't mean im coming back with you im staying here

Phil:but Tommy-

Techno:phil he made his decision


Rambo:what about tubbo Tommy

Tommy:...i..i don't know even though he was forced to betrayed me , he still betrayed me he chose the country over me and he was my best friend...he left me alone with dream.. *shaking* you don't know the pain i had to go through every day i had to face him..i just don't know and even if everyone finds out im alive or not im still in exile and i know that dream is out there waiting to take me back and hurt me,manipulate me..i almost end it all in the nether and dream was probably enjoying it , i know he enjoys it , i see him smile underneath his stupid fucking mask..i always get nightmares of him hurting you..im not going back so please don't try to convince me because there's nothing for me back there i don't even care about my discs anymore dream can burn them for all i care...

Phil and Rambo and techno:....

Tommy:i have a new home where i finally belong and im not gonna leave im staying here


Techno:if that's what you want then we'll respect your wish little brother

Tommy:oh and techno


Tommy: *walks over to techno and hugs him*

Techno:?! *hasn't had a hug from him sense they were kids and hugs back and smile*

Dj: *happy that Tommy is growing*

After that Tommy decided to give a tour around the kingdom by showing them the nursery and training , sleeping areas and the meeting room as they walk around and seem to enjoy the tour and after a long while after seeing Tommy being happy here they let him stay and Phil , Rambo and techno leave and went back home and Tommy then went over to Dj and smiled at her as she smiles back.

Dj:are you sure this is what you wish

Tommy:yes i never had much good memories over there but here i finally able to be a kid again and have a childhood,i can finally relax and play and just be who i am,this is what i want, i want to stay and be happy and be free from the pain

Dj: *nods her head* if that is what you wish

Mean while with Phil and Rambo and techno as they were walking back to techno cabin the way they saw Tommy smile while he was showing them around the kingdom wasn't like any smile they ever seen back in l'amanberg and they felt happy that he is doing well but sad they couldn't bring him back but decided to make a plan to stop dream and end his terror on the server as that happens back in l'amanberg tubbo and the others make a plan to stop dream and arrest him for his disgusting crimes and see if they can bring Tommy back and fix their friendship

Quackity: *had enough of dream's shit and wants to put a end to it but doesn't have the power to stop him*

Dream(cough monster cough) mind:what am i going to do this is ruining my plan ugh 💢 i was so close to bring him (Tommy) back to exile and continue with my plan but for now there is still other matters to attend too..

Dream then walks around l'amanberg and starts to work with his project with Sam and after a while he goes over to set things in motion at the castle to have George not be king and cause some destruction and blame it on Rambo to make him a traitor and Tommy as well..

(Hi everyone it's been such a long time since last chapter and just to let y'all know that im starting to feel better and able to continue this story sorry it took so long but im back and gonna see this story through and hope that you guys enjoy this story and just know that i will take breaks sometimes so it can clear my head and of course thank you for liking my stories)

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