Her Return

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"Umm excuse me?"

I was currently sitting inside the library at school, reading the book that caught my attention, when I heard a voice come from behind me.


There it goes again, but I decided not to mind it so I continued reading.


When I thought she - yes the one talking to me was a girl - can't get anymore annoying, I was wrong. She started poking my back, with which I suspected to be a pencil, every minute.

"Sorry, but don't you know it's rude to ignore someone whose talking to you?"

'Don't you know it's rude to poke someone you don't even know?' I really wanted to say that back to her but as a dignified individual I needed to keep my composure, that's what my father taught me afterall.

"Hellooo~ Earth to stranger-san!"

Not wanting to put up with her annoyance any longer, I finally turned around to acknowledge her presence. And standing behind me was a girl, who looked like a year younger than me, wearing a simple yet elegant baby blue dress that had a royal blue ribbon around the waist. She had long burnt orange hair that was braided neatly to the side. She had pale skin that complimented her hair perfectly, and upon a closer inspection, she was slightly shorter than me.

"May I ask what is it that you want?"

"Finally, you decided to turn around!" She said in relief.

I simply just raised an eyebrow at her reply.

"Well, you see It's my first day and I was on my way to my piano class but......"

"You got lost, am I correct?" I filled in for her.

"Unfortunately.... Yes."

"*sigh* Very well then, since I was also on my way there I wouldn't mind going with you."

I saw her face visibly brighten up with joy.

"Well if that's the case I think a proper introduction is needed, since were in the same class and all, am I right?"

She then extended her hand to offer a handshake.

"Hi, my name is Aihara Miku. I'm 4 years old and, as you might have noticed, im new here. And by the looks of it you're an upperclassman, am I right? So would it be alright if I call you senpai?"

I shook her hand and said:

"My name is Akashi Seijuurou. 5 years old and yes I am an upperclassman and I would prefer that you don't address me as senpai, a simple 'Akashi-san' would be better."

"Hmm....Is it ok if I call you Sei-nii instead?"


"Ok, Sei-nii it is!!"


The buzzing sound of an alarm clock could be heard echoing inside a room of a certain red-headed teen who was currently still laying on his bed.

As the sun's rays illuminated the room, some had hit the face of the teen which helped emphasized more of his facial features. Striking scarlet red hair, fair skin, and as his eyes fluttered open, it revealed two orbs with mismatched color. The right one was in a red bloody color while the left one which had somehow adopted a yellowish hue had caused his eye to appear in the color of orange.

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