The Black Figure

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The two girls were now currently sitting in the waiting area. One was reading a book while the other one was clearly bored.

"Hey Miku."

"Yes?" Was her only monotonous reply.

"I'm bored."

"May I ask why?"

Nanami, who was slouching, suddenly sat up straight and faced the orange-headed teen.

"It's because we've been sitting for to long!!" She protested.

"What do you mean, Nami? We've only been sitting for two minutes." Miku explained.

"That's long enough for me."

Miku, who had closed her book, was now fully facing her companion.

"Then what do you propose we do?" She asked.

"How about we walk around?" She suggested.

"No." Was her immediate reply.

"What, why?"

"We were intsructed to sit and wait here in the waiting area. So any unmentioned actions are not going to be accepted."

"You have no sense of adventure, don't you?"

Not loosing her dead-panned expresion, Miku averted her gaze to the floor.

"The last time I did that, it gave us costly consequences." She said with a voice voided from any emotions, whatsoever.

'Sh*t!' Nanami mentally cursed.

"I-i was just kidding! W-who would like to walk around a crowded place anyway, right?" She said in an attempt to lighten up the heavy atmosphere building up between them.


At this point Nanami was already panicking.

'What will I do? What will I do? What will I do?!' She chanted like a mantra mentally.

"C-change of topic. Now that we're back, what's the first thing you're gonna do?" She inquired.


"Im going to visit them."

"Visit who?"

"My parents. I'm going to visit their graves."

'BAD TOPIC!!!!!' She mentally scolded herself.

After giving herself numerous mental scoldings and slaps, she finally thought of a topic that could change the mood.

"Speaking of visiting. Aren't you going to visit your old friend?" 'I'm a genius.' She mentally celebrated.

"Who?" Nanami's moment of victory immediately shattered.

"Y-you know. The kid you always hang out with. Red hair, red eyes, scary and intimidating aura, THAT SHORTY!" She described desperately.


"Uhh what was his name again? Seito, Seichi, Sei-....?"


"Yeah, that's the name! So are you going to visit him?"

"I don't kno-"

"No need." A voice came from behind them said.


"Mr. Yamada has arrived. Let's go."

The two stood up, gathered their belongings, and began following the older man.

"Excuse me, but what did you mean with what you said earlier Uncle?" Miku asked.

"While waiting for Mr. Yamada, we had already invited the Akashis for dinner tomorrow night." He informed the perplexed girls.

As they walked, Miku noticed a black figure pass by her line of sight which somehow picked up her interest. But she did not pay any mind to it.


"Yes Miku?"

"May I please excuse myself? I would like to go to the ladies room for a moment."

"Of course you may." And with that she left.


I was on my way back when I noticed that black figure pass by my line of sight again. Not minding it, I continued walking.

As I continued to walk, I realized that it was following me so I sped up a bit. After a few twists and turns, I finally lost it...or so I thought.

Standing a few meters in front of me was a man wearing a black hooded jacket covering his face. He wore black jogging pants and white running shoes.

Even though his face was covered with the hood of his jacket, I knew very well that he was staring at me.

I felt my body tense up and fear began to pile up inside of me. I blinked and the man in front of me mysteriously disappeared like a bubble.

I started to search for any signs of him but there were none whatsoever. Deciding that it was only a figment of my imagination, I turned around and began to walk, not once did I look back .

"Miku! What took you so long?" Nami asked as she ran towards me.

"Sorry if I made eveyone worry, I just got lost on my way back."

"It's alright, you got back safely and we're thankful for that." Auntie Fumiko tenderly smiled at me.

"Now, shall we go?" Uncle Yamato gestured to the black car in front of us.

Everyone started to walk towards the car but before I followed them, I glanced back and thought about that man.

"Hey Miku! Watcha still doing over there? Come on!" I saw Nami smiling cheerfully from inside the car.


•••End of chapter two•••

I know this is really far from the basketball theme of Kuroko no Basuke, but don't worry the sport will still be part of the story.
So please be patient and I hope you guys enjoy my story.\(=•×•=)/

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